Mrs. Barley lead me into the class, everyone was starring at me, saying I was not nervous would be a lie

She brought me to the front before speaking "everyone this is crimson she is your new classmate" Mrs. Barley said looking down at me and giving me a smile

I looked around the classroom, nothing was out of the ordinary just some kids

They all looked bored, one girl was whispering to the girl next to her

They were smirking and laughing quietly

I then looked to the other side of the room and saw a girl with chocolate brown hair and chocolate cream eyes

Her eyes were curiously looking at me

Her expression was blank, I couldn't read it all I knew was that she is more curious then the whole class

Mrs. Barley showed me where I would be sitting, sadly it was in front of the girls who were whispering and laughing

We didn't do anything big, just a word sheet

But the girls behind me kept laughing and giggling

It was fine until something hit the back of my head

I turned around and saw the girls now laughing even harder

The shorter girl with blond hair said "awww, what's wrong" she said with a big smirk on her face

The other girl added "HA, she's just a tomato head,  why don't you dye your hair it will look 10x better"

They both starting laughing again before Mrs. Barley spoke up "Gina, Jessamine, Crimson stop talking" she said giving us the death glare

I turned back around in my seat, now deciding to ignore Gina and Jessamine

Now its 11:30 am so its time for lunch

Mrs. Barley brought us to the cafeteria to eat, we had the choice to eat or not I chose not to

So did the brown haired girl that I learned name is Brew And a few other people

Mrs. Barley and a few other 5th grade teachers were talking at a table next to the table I sat at

All the 5th grade classes had their own table and their were 6 tables

Soon everyone else was at the table eating while I was looking around

Gina and Jessamine were sitting on the other side of the table and talking to all the other girls in our class

All the other girls sat together at the end of the table talking while me and Brew were not

Brew had her head down on the table

I was across from Brew acting like I was looking around when really I was looking at her

She was very quiet only spoke when spoken to, and she was very smart always answering questions correctly

Tho she never raised her hand, only answered when the teacher called on her

"Brew head up!" Mrs. Barley yelled at Brew

I didn't hear Mrs. Barley yell at brew, so when Brew put her head up we made eye contact

I quickly looked away

I heard the other girls down the table giggling

I don't see what's so funny

After lunch we had free time outside, I was sitting against the wall when Gina, Jessamine, and another girl came up to me

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