"Uh.. can we join you guys?" I asked.

"Sure..." Teruhashi's smile went away, slouching a little now. "We were just going to get coffee jelly."

"Oh, really? I'm up for some coffee jelly. They're my favorite after all." I smiled and we all started heading our way to a café in complete silence.

'What took you so long?'

'Uh... I found a lost kid so I helped her find her mom. And then I bumped into Kaidou so I walked with him to find you.'

'You told him you were looking for me?'

'No! I just walked with him hoping that I would find you, which I did. I hope Teruhashi didn't get on your nerves too much.'

'Oh... It wasn't that bad if I'm going to be honest. She got my this outfit and it looked really nice, I'm going to wear it tomorrow.'

'Oh, that's cool.' I frowned slightly and looked to the ground.

He had fun with Teruhashi? Why doesn't he just date her if she's so fun. Wait, why am I acting like this? I uh- I was just joking, it's an act! Hold on- why am I trying to prove myself wrong? I'm probably just tired.

'Did something happen?'

'No, I'm just... tired.' I fake yawned.


Dry ass. Yeah, I don't like him. I don't know what was going on with me. Why would I like Kusuo? He's just a friend that I've known since I was a kid.

Kaidou looked at me with slight concern. "You seem tired. Are you okay?" he rubbed my back.

"Just peachy. I'm a little tired though." I put a thumbs up at him.

"We should leave after the coffee jelly. We have school tomorrow and it's getting late." Kaidou suggested. I nodded my head and opened the door for everyone.

We all sat down and a waiter came up to us. As soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up.

He was a teenage boy, around our age with fluffy, toffee brown hair, he was tall and slender. He had smooth, rosy skin, and be had bright, chestnut brown colored eyes.

He was... really pretty.

'Woah... she's really pretty.'

I looked up at him and smiled at him which made him blush slightly.

'Does someone like you?'

'Nah, I don't think so.'

"What would you guys like?" the waiter asked.

"Coffee jelly for all of us please." I ordered for all of us.

"Alright! It'll be back in just a moment." he nodded and walked away.

"What did you guys buy?" Kaidou asked.

"We bought some clothes. I even picked out an outfit for Saiki!" Teruhashi smiled brightly. Saiki just nodded his head.

"Did you buy anything, L/n?" Kaidou asked.

"No... I didn't. I didn't really see anything I liked." I sighed.

"Yeah, me too." Kaidou shrugged.

A few minutes later, the waiter came back with jellies for all of us.

"Here you go." he smiled, passing the jellies out to us.

And for some reason, I got an extra.

"Oh! Thank you, sir!" I smiled.

Kusuo eyed the two of us, looking at me, then at the waiter and then back at me.

"No problem." he nodded his head and walked over to other customers.


We all finished our jellies and parted our ways... except for Kusuo and I.

We went into a bathroom and both teleported near our houses.

"Did you have fun with Teruhashi?"

'It wasn't bad. It was better than what I expected. I thought I already told you.'

"Oh yeah, you did. My bad, sorry."


We both got to our houses and I said goodbye.

I need some rest, that's all. Tomorrow is going to be a new day...

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