Part 17

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While exiting the bathroom the girls watched brynlyn get in her car and sit there on here phone "hey guys grab your stuff and get in the car as fast as you can" Emily said to the group that was still at the table

"What? Why?" Louis asked

"We will explain in the car" Cammie said grabbing her handbag and Niall's hand. as the group walked out they were surrounded by paparazzi and couldn't see any thing

"Keep you heads down" the boys said as they walked out of the restaurant

Once every one was in the limo Cammie started explaining

Cammie's point of view

"Okay so this is what's happening. we saw brynlyn in the kitchen at the restaurant and I went in acting like I was looking for the bathroom. then I followed her into the bathroom and we all hid in the stall"

"Okay so what does that have to do with us leaving so soon" Niall asked

"I'm not done explaining yet. Anyway we are following her to see where she goes next"

"Oh do we want it to be obvious that was are following her bc right now we are in a limo" Liam said

"Okay just act like we need to go that way or something" Katie said

"Lauren tell Jimmy to follow the car in front of us till she stops somewhere" Abby said

"Okay" she said

So once Brynlyn stopped we were at the airport so we just kinda sat there waiting for her to do something. when we got out the car the girls got out bc we weren't famous so no one would notice us.

"Be careful,love" Niall said directing it to me

"Thanks boo"

"Your welcome" he said blushing

As we walked into the airport we saw Brynlyn walking through the little monitor that scans you "where is she going" katie asked

"I don't know she looks like she is going back home or something" Lauren said

"Well I need to talk to her and tell her that she is a little- I was cut off by the airport people saying

"All people boarding the flight back to Louisiana please line up"

"Let's see if that's where she is going" Abby said

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