Part 16

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On the way to the restaurant was just small talk about how much fun they had at the Grammys and how the girls want to go again


"Hi and welcome to Ruth Chris Steak house my name is Sammy and I will be your waitress tonight. can I start you off with something to drink" the waitress said passing out napkins and silverware

"Umm I'll have an iced tea" Cammie said looking at the menu to try to find something to eat

"What do you want to eat Ab" Harry asked holding her hand

"Um I don't know yet it usually takes me a little while to figure it out. you know whatcha getting" Abby said twirling her fingers with his

"I'm getting a medium rare steak with a baked potato and an Italian salad" Harry said pointing to it on the menu

"Wow you pick fast don't ya" Abby said gigging

"I get it every time" he said winking at her leaning down to kiss her but Cammie had to ruin it by coughing

"Sorry I ruined the moment didn't i? I'm sorry I feel like I have a frog in my throat" Cammie said innocently pulling some medicine out of her purse

"Yeah you kinda did but don't worry there will be more moments I promise" Harry said loosing his train of thought in Abby's eyes

"Oh get a room you two" Niall yelled "oww what was that for man that hurt"

"It was supposed to" Harry said sitting up straight again from kicking Niall's leg from underneath the table


"Here is your bill" Sammy said as she put it on the table with little mints on top "can I get any one a refill"

"Nope" everyone said grabbing their wallets

"That's cute the girls think they're paying ha" Louis said sarcastically putting Lauren's wallet back in her purse

"Okay what ever yall say" Emily said putting her wallet back

"Thanks guys for paying" Katie said

"I have to go pee anyone wanna come with" Cammie asked

"I'll come" said Niall standing

"Your so funny Niall" Cammie said "any GIRLS wanna come"

"I'll come" Emily said

"Same" Abby and Lauren said

Walking to the bathroom Cammie stopped walking in the direction of the bathroom and started walking towards the kitchen

"Cammie what are you doing the bathroom is this way" Lauren said pointing in the other direction

"Yeah but this isn't" Cammie said pointing towards the kitchen door

"Is it that important I have to pee severely" Abby said slowly walking towards the door with the other girls "can someone please tell me what is going on here I'm not in the same page as everyone else"

"Yeah we know ab it's usual" Cammie said "but you have to be quiet. look who it is"

"Where am I looking" Abby said crawling down to get closer

"In the back with the blonde wig on walking into that door with a chiefs outfit on" Emily said

"Okay what about her" Lauren said

"That's brynlyn but she doesn't work here so she must be here to spy on someone" Cammie said

"Oh shoot maybe that someone is us" Abby said "she told us to watch our back"

"She's not even scary when she try's to be she couldn't have been serious" Lauren said laughing

"Okay I pm going to go in and acting like I thought I was the bathroom and see if I can see why Brynlyn is in the kitchen" Cammie said

"Your not going alone" Abby said

"Yes I am it will be to obvious if we all go" Cammie said "besides I need you guys to stay together you would probably get lost somewhere😂😂"

"Okay. good luck" Lauren said

"Thanks. stay here and make sure she doesn't do anything to me please" Cammie said opening the door to the kitchen


"Excuse me miss this is the kitchen not the restroom" a tall guy said

"Oh sorry I must have taken a wrong turn" Cammie said "is it possible to get to the bathroom from here"

"Yeah go through those big double doors and take a left" the guy said pointing to the doors as Cammie realized Brynlyn has just opened the door to go there

"Thanks soo much bye" Cammie said

C: meet me in the bathroom she is in here
E: we are here!
C:good get in a stall then we are going to follow her out to where ever it is she goes next
A:I'm confused
C:just come in the dang stall

As Cammie finished explaining the plan very quietly they girls heard a sink start so Emily ,who was standing in the toilet looked over the stall carefully

"She's leaving" Emily said stepping down from the toilet

"We have to follow her in the limo" Lauren said

"That's not a bad idea" Abby said

"Okay let's go get the boys mal and katie and explain every thing in the car.

I haven't updated in forever. sorry I've been really busy with competitions I'll try harder to update more often😘ilyyyy

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