Who is the monster? (1)

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The city of Xenora

The marketplace was bustling as usual. The hawking of vendors and the lines of shops filled the are to the brim. The shops were stuffed and street vendors made the street extremely narrow forcing people to walk in crowds. Large tattered wagons decorated with a collage of items were parked beside the street and their owners stood beside them screaming prices like auctioneers.

There is no light without a shadow. However this is

"This slave is newly bought. Buy it for just 50 Jins!"

"Bronze Sword for Adventurers! Bronze Sword!"

"Magic Scrolls just for a 1000 Jins! Slay monsters easily!"

A young man was standing while staring at everything in front of him with indifference and his eyes void of any emotion. However strangely enough, no one was noticing the presence of this man who looked as dangerous at a glance.

A girl  

"S-She is a monster!" Suddenly, a boy screamed while pointing at the girl beside him.

He looked like a noble rather than a commoner. He was wearing luxurious clothes 


"S-Sir..." The girl looked at the burly Blacksmith in front of her. 

"Shit! Go away, beggar!" The man kicked the girl and spat on the ground angrily. "Fucking lowlifes, disturbing my business everyday!" 

After cursing the girl for sometime, the man walked away with his weapons to sell them somewhere else.

"Take this. Don't come here like yesterday or today again."

Sometime after the man had left, the girl got up unsteadily and picked up the loaf of bread the man had thrown on the ground. 

With unsteady steps, she walked toward the alley. Making her way with trembling feet, as she got closer to her destination, the hustle and bustle of the market kept getting less and less as the surrounding completely became distant from the noisy marketplace.

The girl reached a street which looked as if it had been abandoned for decades. The burning lamps still hung but the fire inside of them has long since ceased. Dust and dirt covered the road and it looked like it had been left unused and unattended for a long time. The girl kept walking and reached a thatched hut.

Unknown to the girl, a lone man had followed her. He had deep brown hair and unusual clothes. However the most striking thing about him was his eyes.


Opening the door, several young children were looking at the door warily. But when they saw her, they rushed toward her with big grins on their faces.

""'Big Sister!"""

"Hold on. Hold on. Don't rush" Even though the girl was reprimanding the children, she still had a weak smile on her face.

After a while, when they all had settled, she took a loaf of bread from under her clothes and brought it in front of the children.

"Look what I got you today."

"Woah. Elder sister is the best."

"Thank you elder sister!"

"Eat it after dividing." She smiled looking at them.

The children scri among themselves and stated eating the bread happily. They were unable to notice the girl looking at the bread with hunger in her eyes.


"E-Elder sister?"

Kh-rek. Gush. Kh-rng.  The girl, no, the monster ravenously kept tearing the body and placing it at her mouth. Only the bones were left. 

"Hunger! I don't feel hungry anymore! It, It is so delicious! Aah!" She turned her head toward the children who had shrivelled into the corner, looking at her with horror.


"E-Elder sister! P-Guaah! Noo!"

" Aah!"

In the abandoned street, only screams could be heard resounding...

The monster came out of the hut with blood covering her body. Turning her head, she looked at a corner. A lone man was standing there. Even though he had hidden himself thoroughly, he could not escape from the terrible instincts of the monster. Even after looking at something so terrifying, the man had no expression on his face. If anything, his eyes contained a tiny bit of curiosity.

"Food!" The monster ran towards him with glowing red eyes and ecstasy on her face.

As the monster ran toward him, the man unfolded his hands and looked at her. 

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