𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

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// Lux Winters & Carter Flores & Arista Everson //
// Content warning?: None? //

Lux sat on a tree branch, enjoying her tea that she got from a nearby village in the earthlands. It was a sunny and warm day, she was taking a break from walking to enjoy with weather. "Mmn.. lovely day I guess!" Lux said to herself as she put down her bag in front of herself and put her coat in there. Lux smiled as she leaned her back against the tree and glanced to the distance, nature everywhere. Lux reached for her bag and took out some flowers that she picked earlier, she then started putting them on her antlers out of boredom of not really knowing what to do "Eh.. pfft- I probably look so stupid" Lux said again to herself as a small giggle slipped from her mouth.

Lux continued to put and adjust the flowers on her antlers as she hummed to herself.


Carter walked around the forest after he got himself some lunch at the nearby village "I should really get more often" Carter murmured as he took another bite of his food. A gentle wind flew making his hood slip slightly and his fluffy hair flow. Carter giggled before he pulled his hood down and shook his head, messing his hair up slightly. Carter happily took another bite of his riceball, finishing it up. "I should go probably get dear Arista to come see all this beautiful scenery" He said as he smiled of the thought of seeing the beauty of the forest with his friend. "She'll love it around here, that witch^^" He murmured, fixing up his hair.

Carter stopped in his tracks. In the distance was a figure, sitting on a branch of a tree. The figure seemed to be a lady. Carter squinted his eyes, trying to make out who that is or what she's doing. The figure was surly a lady. Carter realized that the lady in the tree had antlers, she was a beastman. Carter hid behind a tree as he quietly watched the lady, she seemed to just be calmly sitting there, doing nothing in particular. The lady looked so peaceful, flowers on her antlers and her back leaned against the tree like she had no care in the world.

Carter suddenly took his backpack off and kneeled down, putting his backpack down on the ground and started to take out his sketch supply and book with many pages of different sketches, finished and not finished. Carter then sat down, leaning against the tree where he can poke his head out to see the lady on the branch. He did this all without thinking too much and just started sketching, occasionally peeking his head out to see the lady. His hands lightly drew many lines mindlessly. The lines quickly turned into a messy sketch of the lady, that was when Carter started to clean it up with doing the line art.

Carter peeked his head from behind the tree and suddenly, the lady wasn't there. Carter blinked as he stared upon where the lady was sitting. Nobody was there. He then scooted out from his hiding spot, slipping his hood back on and got up while looking around for any possible tracks of the lady disappearing, nothing. Carter leaned his back against the tree and sighed, now wondering things.

Within seconds, an arrow came at Carter quickly, pinning his sleeve to the tree he was leaning on. Carter stayed still in shock and again, another arrow came and pinned his another sleeve to the tree. Carter finally processed what's happening and tried moving his pinned sleeves, but he didn't want to rip his sleeves too much. "I believe that you were watching me." A voice from another tree branch spoke, the voice was quiet but loud enough for Carter to hear, he didn't say another. Suddenly, a lady jumped down the tree and landed on the ground, it was the same lady.

She tilted her head up, now facing Carter and walking towards him. Her purple eyes glued on the blonde male, once the deer lady got a bit closer, she pointed her bow straight at him with a glare. "Don't make this hard and just tell me who you are and what your intentions are.." The deer lady murmured, Carter looked her up and down. "Okay woman, you kinda misunderstood this whole situation here but I don't blame you" Carter spoke in a softer voice and another arrow pinned his hood to the tree, making his elf ears show. Carter flinched and again tried moving but couldn't due to the arrows pinning him on the tree.

"Ack! Erm.. pretty feisty, am I right?" Carter laughed nervously and looked the lady straight in the eye, she rolled her eyes. "An elven.. what a surprise, now tell me what you're trying to do." She lurked closer to him, Carter got a bit nervous about his life.

In that moment, another surprise came. Suddenly a soft pink smoke appeared around the deer lady and she started levitating "Eh! Oi! What are you doing pointy ears!" The lady yelled as she tried shooting an arrow at Carter but missed. "Carter!" A familiar voice of a female yelled as she ran to Carter, Arista. The deer lady squeaked as she tried moving in the air. "Hey there Arista!" Carter greeted with a smile, Arista smiled back before turning to the deer lady "Now.. who are you? And what are you doing with my friend?" Arista integrated as she made a gesture with her hand, a pink smoke seemed to wrap around the deer lady tightly and brung her to Arista.

"Well your friend was stalking me first and I was making sure that he wasn't trying to sell my antlers, idiot!" The lady protested as she squirmed around, Arista turned to Carter with an blank expression "You left me in the tavern and found yourself in this situation" She spoke, her tone slightly annoyed. Carter have a dorkish look and stuck out his tongue "Oops sorry!" He said, being a total idiot. Arista sighed and released the lady. "I'm sorry about my friend here and this, who might you be?" She asked as she bowed her head to the deer lady who pouted and looked away "Lux Winter.." The deer lady mumbled, Arista went to go take the arrows off Carter and handed them back to Lux.

"Again, i'm very sorry. I'm Arista Everson and this is Carter Flores, I really hope that we didn't cause you much trouble Miss Winter" Arista apologized awkwardly, "No need for calling me Miss Winter, you can just call me Lux" Lux again mumbled. Carter popped up between Arista and Lux, wrapping his arms around their shoulders. "Well! How about to apologize, me and dear Arista treat you for a drink?" Carter offered, being a total moron. Arista giggled before she paused and looked at Lux. "Actually.. I don't think she's the right a-" Arista got cut off. "I'm 19" Lux uttered, sounding pretty offended, Arista blinked as Carter burst out laughing at Lux's tone. "Oh-" Arista just stared in embarrassment at her words.

"Okay then, how about me and my friend treat you for an apology drink m'lady?" Carter again offered, gaining a scoff from Lux. "Mmph.. fine then, just don't plan anything stupid.." Lux huffed as she pulled away from Carter's grasp. Arista then gave her a warm smile "It's a deal then, well it's getting late by now, I'll do a spell on you to hide your antlers from the humans, we should get going" Arista said, also pulling away from Carter "Well then, let's go ladies!"

// Hehe, and that's how Arista, Lux and Carter all met, it's funny honestly heh //

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