Deer Tail

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// Just a small chapter of my fantasy OCs being idiots ^^//
// Lux Winters, Carter Flores and Arista Everson //

Three certain adventures wondered the forest, trying to get to the next village. Sighing, the antlered female looked over to the other two with a bored expression. "Ari, can you pass the map?" She asked as she looked at the other. Arista stopped walking as she took the map out of her bag before handing it to Lux, she then started to unfold it.

Upon Lux stopping to read the map, the other two stopped as well. Carter gazed around the quiet forest around them, trees seemed to surround almost everywhere and the three were following a dirt path. "Well, from the looks of it" Lux then continued talking about their location for a minute. "Eh? Wait, actually I might be wrong.." Lux muttered as she looked around. "The person said that we should be in the next village after six hours of walking, haven't we been walking for about 4 hours?" Lux then continued to mutter to herself. Arista seemed to be listen while Carter minded his own business while gazing around.

Looking towards Lux, Carter then noticed a small movement on Lux's lower back. It seemed to be moving up and down gently, he just stared for a moment. Lux's coat is rather large on her and covers up a lot so it wasn't too clear. Suddenly, Carter had a thought in mind. "Lux, question!" He said, getting the attention of the deer. "Do you have like a.. deer tail?" Carter asked as Lux turned her head around and looked at him with a blank expression. "Why are you asking." What Lux had said, didn't sound like a question at all. Arista looked at the two. "Mm?"

Carter blinked. "Well, I saw it I think?" He said as if that doesn't sound weird. Lux's face immediately heated up and turned red. "Oi! Why are you staring at my ass?!" Lux questioned as she fully turned to Carter. Arista blinked before she bonked Carter who finally realized. "Hey hey hey! Owie- It's not like that! I didn't intend on stari-" "YOU WERE STARING?!" Lux shouted as the red on her face deepened. Carter started to shake his hands. "Like I said it's not like that! I just saw movement and got curious!!" Carter immediately defended himself. Lux then began scolding him on that.

Meanwhile Arista got curious herself and moved her head towards Lux's lower back. "You never said anything about having one?" She spoke as she looked back at Lux. Lux then immediately bonked the both of them. "You two are complete perverts!! Stop staring at my ass and mind your own business!! Mmph!" Lux scolded as she again bonked the both of them with the map.

Arista and Carter exchanged looks, Lux turned away from the both of them while pouting and mumbling to herself, she the started walking. "Yes I do and topic dropped. Now come on before I leave you two Hmph" Lux huffed. Both Carter and Arista seemed impressed. "Can I-" Carter seemed as he was about to ask something but Lux immediately spun around and put her finger to his lips. "Zip it!" Lux said.

// I'm sorry- I love writing my fantasy OCs.^^' //

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