A Lovely Night

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//Kinda a musical-ish thingy chapter? No shipping, also! Lyrics are slightly changed to fit the setting and stuff //
//A Lovely Night - LaLa Land Cast//
// Azura Cinderhell and Carter Flores //

It was a warm fall evening. Two adventurers walked around the village after their friend kicked them out to go on a 'date' because they had another childish argument about something that's way farther than stupid. The female's eyes gazed toward a small spot where it seemed to have a mountain view. The view from the mountain, the colors of the sunset all mesmerized the two.

Carter glanced around. "The sun is nearly gone, the lights are turning on" He muttered, getting Azura's attention as she looked at him with a bored expression. "We've stumbled upon a view, a small bench made for two.." Carter continued as he sat down and looked at Azura. "What a shame those two are you and I" He said, looking Azura up and down. "Some other girl and guy would love this swirling sky" He then just got up, his hands resting in his pockets. "But there's only you and I, and we've got no shot" He stroked his hair back before shaking his head gently. Azura scoffed quietly.

"This could never be, you're not the type for me" Carter, his tone was always so serene yet his expressions said otherwise. "Really?" The female spoke sarcastically as she glanced away and pouted. Carter looked at her one last time before he turned away. "And there's not a spark in slight" Carter paused while he stood there with his back towards Azura who stood there, her hand clenching onto her scarf. "What a waste of a lovely night" Carter started walking back from where the two originally came from.

Azura watched Carter as he walked away from her and back down the dirt path that was lighten up with torches. Azura blinked before she caught up directly behind Carter. She was annoyed and didn't want him to leave without hearing what she had to say. Azura tugged on Carter's sleeve, stopping him from walking any farther. She then walked in front of him.

"You say there's nothing here? Well let's make something clear.." Azura held onto his sleeve, Carter groaned. "I think I'll be the one to make that call" She said simply. "But you'll call?" Carter muttered as he pulled his arm away. Azura backed away as she looked at him.

"And though you look cute, in your polyester suit-" Azura spoke. "It's wool." Carter stated in a sarcastic manner. "You're right! I'd never fall for you at all!" Azura smiled sarcastically. Carter watched Azura as she moved to the side to look upon the view.

"And maybe this appeals, to someone not in heels.." Azura paused as she looked at Carter and spun around. Carter crossed his arms as he raised a brow. "Or to any girl who feels there some chance of romance" She said as she stopped spinning and looked down with a blank expression. "But, I'm frankly feeling nothing" She said as she held her hands on her chest. "Is that so?" Carter spoke as he looked at her. "Or it can be less then nothing" She responded.

Carter scoffed as he let his hands rest in his pockets. "Good to know, so you agree?" He said, the sarcasm leaving his voice for a second. Azura nodded as she faced him and crossed her arms. "That's right" She said.

"What a waste of a lovely night" They said together with both looks of complete sass and annoyance before they both walked back.

// I know this isn't too accurate for Azura's personality but still works, plus this is just for fun ^^ //

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