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// Just a small oneshot(?) thingy I wrote out of boredom and sadness:] //
// Younger!Namika Masuda //

"Oh? You want to be a hero?" The other kid's voice teased. The small blonde gave an nod as she looked down in shame, the kids in front of her started laughing. "Pfft.. did you see that guys? Princess Masuda wants to become a hero!" The kid in the middle called out to her friends, her friends all looked at each other as they whispered loudly "Eh? But why would a sweet rich princess like her, stand a chance with all the other people?" One of the kids said sarcastically, purposely eyeing Namika. "And with that lame teleportation quirk? She'd be beaten right away" Another kid 'whispered'. This then became into a series tauntingly loud whispers and laughs from the other children.

Namika clenched her fists as she tilted her head up to face the other children, her eyes teary and her cheeks puffed up. "Well I believe that I'll stand a chance out there!" Namika yelled out, having enough of hearing them talk her down. This grabbed the children's attention, they then went quiet, just staring down Namika with blank expressions. The silence was painful to Namika's ears. The girl in the middle then stepped forward, getting right in front of Namika "Mmn.. well let's see about that, but you should stand back now.. because what shame would that bring you when I beat you?" She said with an teasing smirk across her lips. It gone silent again.

Namika let out a hesitant breath. "I- I will stand a chance with all those other people and.. that goes for you, I will be just as good as you can be!" She spoke up again, her voice getting louder. The bell rang at that very moment. Recess was over, the other kids scoffed as they turned away from Namika, leaving her. Namika wiped her tears and watched the other children get farther away from her "I'll show them that I can be just good as a hero as anyone else.." Namika murmured to herself as she smiled hopefully.

𝐎𝐂 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant