Chapter IV: Monachopsis

Start from the beginning

Before I could get frustrated over distorted memories, my alarm begins to blare promptly five on the dot. Within a second or two, I turn it off as to not wake Fletcher, but so much for that. He jumps off the bed, yawning with a big stretch before running over to my bed side to greet me.

"Always a good boy." I smile, petting his cheeks with my palms the way he loved.


Exercising always helped calm Jackson's anxiety, especially with the amount building up all week for this particular day. As he starts walking up the stairwell to get to the office, he simultaneously begins breathing exercise to calm his nerves. Deep inhale in. Hold for a bit, then a long exhale. Repeat. It never got rid of his nerves, but it did help him enough to be able to physically hide it from other people.

"It's all gonna be okay." He whispers under his breath, finally standing at the entrance door.

He pulls it open, taking in the now familiar atmosphere. The sound of multiple phones ringing mixed with chatter and running printers distracted him for a moment. His eyes scan the room, looking for the one unfamiliar face he has yet to meet. As he takes a few steps in, Griffin approaches him.

"Good morning, Jax." He says with a greeting smile, going through manila folders in his hands.

"I prefer Jackson, sir." Jackson uncomfortably replies, darting his eyes at the ground to avoid eye contact.

"Jackson." Griffin corrects himself, still keeping a welcoming aura about him. "You've got orientation in about ten minutes. It'll be in the lecture hall, all the way down to the left. Note taking is optional, but encouraged. You're free to ask anything during the lecture, but refrain from unrelated topics. Any questions?" He asks, handing over a folder.

"No, sir." Jackson gives a forced half-smile, grabbing onto the strap of his cross body bag as he takes the folder.

"Good. I'll see you in a few hours." Griffin pats Jackson's back before walking away.

"I got this." Jackson takes one last deep breath, then makes his way down the hall.


While people like Jackson worked nine to fives, Violet was dead asleep in her bed at nine in the morning. Her earphones are still playing music from her self titled sad girl hours music playlist while drool is seeping from her lips. Phone buzzing underneath her pillow, but she's deep asleep to hear the incoming texts.

9:17 AM

From: papa 🐻

"Remember to wake up and take Roki for his walk! I'll be home around noon. 😁"

9:33 AM

From: papa 🐻

"Violet, did you wake up yet? Text or call me. It's raining pretty bad right now. It should die down in a few minutes, but umbrella is in mom's closet."

10:01 AM

Missed call from "papa 🐻"

As the clock nears half past ten, Violet is woken up by a restless ten year old Golden Lab. She screams, falling off the bed as Roki begins licking her face.

"Roki!" She groans, sitting up and grabbing her phone.

As she's seeing the missed call and texts from her father, the downstair doors opens and closes with the sound of dad's keys rattling.

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