Chapter 18 : TRISTAN

Start from the beginning

Tristan nodded, arching his neck on the left. And there was she, in the centre of the group, walking with a grace unknown to the eyes.

Diana was pretty, indeed. Today, however, angelic radiance shone through her. She appeared to be created with everything he left behind twenty years ago. He slid a hand over his chest in an act to brush away dirt. However the real intention had been to check the beating of his heart which was running a marathon.

Tristan knew it was wrong but somehow looking at this face all day sounded tolerable. The best part about it though, had been the smile. How was she able to remain calm he failed to understand. Not to mention a part of him could not help but be amazed.

"Good morning, Miss Johnson." Will spoke, bringing the groom back to the current situation as he dropped his hand on the side.

"Good morning, Will." her smile brightened. Tristan knew that would never be for him, and he could care less about it.

"Good morning, soon-to-be Mrs. Parker. How have you been?" Tristan curved his lips into a smile.

"Tried to fake my death. Didn't succeed, so here I am. What about you, soon-to-be Mr. Johnson?"

He tilted his head on the left, running fingers through the hair. In a breathless smile, he replied "A good idea. Unfortunately doctors exist so the plan could never take off."

"Bribery exists too. I think you're forgetting that part."

"Some have morality, I hope you're aware of it."

"How many are you going to send after me?" she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Let's say," he stopped as his sight fell on her round amber eyes. Words never existed to him for a second. Tristan immediately averted his gaze, upward from her face. "Until every hospital is exhausted."

Now the silence flowed from him to her. And then back to him when he realised what he just said. Diana's face had been mere inches away from his. A sweet odour engulfed his nostrils again. He was the first to move left. Under no circumstance would he take the effort to even change the hospital if that was the scenario.

"Miss Johnson, a pleasure to meet you again." Morgan immediately spoke, putting a hand out. Diana shook it lightly. "Let me escort you both to the private room."

The couple nodded and followed him. Two people stood outside of a gigantic door, bordered in gold designs all over.

The lawyer entered first, the bride and then the groom. Diana shook a little when the wooden frame banged shut. A desk lay at the centre with two chairs along the length and one along the breadth.

As they took their places, Tristan saw his partner struggling with the veil. It stuck in a corner of the table and because of her gloves, she could not exert enough pressure.

"Need help?" he asked softly.

"No, its okay." she pulled it away with all her might. Luckily enough no damage was incurred on either side. Diana hates me for real. Thank goodness.

Morgan placed a folder on the table.

"Do you want me to revise the conditions again? I would recommend it."

"Yes, go ahead." Tristan said while Diana nodded. He kept a side-eye on the bride as the middle-aged man narrated the clauses.

Her expression dropped and so did her posture with every passing minute. Maybe it had been with the realisation of how none of it was a joke anymore. Diana ultimately rested her back and sighed in response when he ended. Tristan knew it was impossible for him to stop it now, especially when his aunt and brothers had been convinced too.

"Where do I need to sign?" she blurted out in desperation. Sure enough, he too wanted out of this desolate area. Never before he felt the desire to leave a room as much as now.

Tristan surveyed the movement of her smooth fingers intricately while she scribbled her name. Upon being handed the page, he could not believe his sight. In front of him was one of the best handwriting he ever witnessed.

"You have a good hand." he commented before clicking the pen tip.

"Say this when it'll be around your neck." her usual tone with him was back.

Tristan paused his writing and scanned her face. He expected a little discomfort on her side but there had been none. Does she have nothing to lose? Or is it an act, again.

"Honestly, I'd like to see how far you can go."

"Don't make a bet you can't win."

He let out a fake laugh. "You sure about it?"

"I study science. We deal with facts and hypotheses all the time."

"We'll see, Einstein. Or wait, you're a chemist right? Yeah, Marie Curie." He bent his head to continue the signature.

"If only someone as terrible existed to name you after."

Tristan smirked in reply, handing the folder back to the lawyer. Her words did not hurt. Rather it made him glad. To know she would never develop anything but disgust for him. We are off to a good start.

A/N : Hey lovelies! How are all of you doing? I hope everything is going great and if not, you get enough strength to pass through it. Please do not forget to give your comments or feedback on this chapter. Thank you for your support. Will see you soon with the next update. Take care all of you amazing people!!!!

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