The Call

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The ride back to the hotel was.. awkward. The band members questioned me about what happened with Jimmy, but I just told them "He just wanted to thank me for coming." I don't know why I shut him down so fast, I think I was overwhelmed. This whole night has been everywhere and I really just needed some rest. When we arrived at the hotel room, I quickly got changed into a once-ler onesie, and laid down, Edward Cullen blanket on top of me. "Oh, Eddy do you think Jimmy is the one?" I said with a sigh. With that question I drifted to sleep. I awoke at 4 AM to Dani next to me, crying. "Evie.. me and joshy poshy has a fight. He wouldn't let me be Ariel ONE TIME." She said, tears streaming down her face. "Oh I'm so sorry dani" I said bringing her into my embrace. She sniffled and hugged me back. "I'll play mermaids with you if it makes you feel any better. You can be Ariel I will be Ursula." I offered. "No, you don't play mermaids like Josh does..." "Oh, I see." The thought had never occurred to me that I had never played mermaids with Jimmy. I lay back down, deep in thought, thinking about him. "What's on your mind, Evie?" Dani asked curiously. I sighed giving into her questioning. "Oh.. Jimmy." Dani let out a giggle but didn't ask anything more. I fell asleep for the last time that night.

The next morning I woke up and got ready for the day. I checked my watch and gasped. "7:30?! Breakfast ends at 8:30!" I hurried to put on a gorgeous white silk dress, and layered an emerald green cardigan over it, to compliment my beautiful red hair. I walked up to the 421st floor, the rooftop patio, for breakfast. There I see Jules, and Charlee talking at a small round table, and I take a seat with them. They look at me and smile. I know they're thinking about me and Jimmy. "What's for breakfast?" I ask, desperate to get their minds off of it. "We're having eggs and toast, you're having Jimmy Fallon." My eyes widen and a look of disgust forms on my face. "And what exactly do you mean by that?!"
"Oh, while you were asleep, we found a note.. with Jimmy's phone number on it."
"Why were looking through my stuff?!"
They just shrugged, and I crossed my arms. "Whatever." I said, annoyed. We had our breakfast, which was NOT Jimmy Fallon and I decided to take a stroll through the city. I looked down at my phone, and saw that Jules and Charlee had snooped through that too! They added Jimmy's number to my contacts. I scowled, then before I could do anything else, I bumped into someone. "Oh god, I'm so sorry." They said. I recognized the voice. It was Jimmy. "Oh, um, hi- I- uh, I'm sorry." I said, flustered. He smirked and said "Hi, Evie." I blushed and said "Hi- Hi Jimmy." in response. He was not in his usual formal clothes he wore on The Tonight Show, instead he wore a tight fitting tee, that showed off his muscles, and a simple pair of jeans. Jimmy stood, staring and smiling at me, until then he exclaimed "Oh, shit, I have to get going." Disappointed, I said goodbye and kept walking down the street. I came up to some benches and sat down. I sat for hours, until I began to get hungry. I looked down the street and found a little pizzaria. I thought to call my friends, to come have lunch with me, but I changed my mind. I wanted Jimmy.

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