The first night with Jimmy

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The limo is nice. Very nice. It's as big as a house which has got to be a safety hazard, but no biggy cause it fits our instruments. We jam out, and soon arrive. I'm overwhelmed with happiness that we are reaching John's goal. We step inside the studio and are escorted to our dressing rooms. There's a table full of snacks and candy, there's a large TV, and there's three couches. Charlee, Toby and I decide to take a look around. We're admiring the studio, and then we come across Justin Bieber's dressing room. Charlee takes a peek in there through the key hole and he has like 40 strippers in there. She is scarred for life and so me and Toby have to carry her back to the dressing room and lay her down on the couch. We slowly feed her little Cheetos but she turns them away because they remind her of Justins dick. 💔 Soon I get tired and go lounge on the couch across the room. I look to the end of the couch and Jules is sitting at the end. Dani, Josh, and Toby are on the other couch. I scoot over and lay down beside Jules. "Are you nervous..?" I ask. "Yeah, I am, but I'm so excited." She responds. "I'm just afraid of messing up." "We won't, we're here for a reason, we'll be amazing." "Yeah, I guess you're right." Then to calm us down, I start to play some comforting music. (how bad can I be) Late into the night, we hear a knock on the door. It's Jimmy Fallon's assistant! The show is starting! We all gather at the TV to watch until it's our turn. Jimmy is so funny.. He's pretty cute too.. Oh what am I saying?!?! I ignore those thoughts and just wait for our turn. Again Jimmy's assistant knocks at the door, this time she lets us know we have to get ready to go on. We all shuffle to the backstage and wait nervously, while the crew sets up our instruments behind a curtain. I feel like I'm about to collapse I'm so nervous. I grab Jules arm for support, and take a few breaths. I hear clapping from the audience and we get our cue to enter the stage. My legs are wobbling but I have to smile wide. I sit down closest to Jimmy as he fully introduces us. My ears are ringing and my heart is beating at the speed of light. I look over at him to find he's looking right at me. He has such a sweet smile. I don't have enough time to dwell on it though. Now it's time to play. We walk up to our instruments and start to play our new song. It's called Balsamic. The crowd cheers, and I play it perfectly of course. When we finish the audience erupts into fierce applause. My eyes tear up and then I quickly get to my seat. I'm eager to know what Jimmy thought of it. "Wow." He says. "I'm astounded.. that was really beautiful." He takes my hand and kisses it. "Evie, you played that so wonderfully." I blush and thank him. He continues on with other questions. How we like New York, where we're from, how we started, boring things like that. Finally he says we would play a game. We look at each other nervously. It's wheel of musical impressions. It's Jules turn to go first, because she's the lead vocalist, and she kills it. Everyone else takes their turn, then it's mine.. I walk up, and Jimmy whispers in my ear. "You got this Evie.." I smile and giggle. I'm so worried about what I'm going to get. I look and it says I have to sing Perfect by Ed Sheeran impersonating.. myself? "We just really want to hear you sing, hmm?" Jimmy says slyly looking me up and down. I belt it out as best I can.

"I found a love for me
Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet"

My nervousness is lifting, I'm more confident.

"Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own"

I start to sway a little bit to the song, moving my hips, so that I know Jimmy is staring.

"And in your eyes, you're holding mine
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath"

I bit my lip looking directly at Jimmy.

"But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight"

At the word perfect I gave Jimmy a wink. He started to lose his composure, but had to stay still since we were being filmed. The audience applauded us once again and I found my way back to me seat. Jimmy said goodbye, and we headed back to our dressing room. I sat down on the couch to watch the final part of the show intently. As I was watching Jules said abruptly, "Evie.. what was all the with Jimmy?" I just grinned and kept watching, my eyes fixed only on Jimmy. Soon after the show ended I looked over and saw the rest of my band members talking. "Hey, what are you guys talking about?" I questioned. "About you and Jimmy." Charlee said with a wink. I groaned and flopped onto the couch sideways. Soon there was a knock at the door for a third time that night. Again it was Jimmy's assistant, but this time she only asked for me.

Fallon love with JimmyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora