A Letter To You - Mason Mount (PART 2)

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synopsis: in which mason receives a letter from his ex-girlfriend and decides to write one back.

Dear Y/N,

When I first received your letter, I was very shocked. I didn't expect to hear from you again. Firstly I'd like to apologise for how I ended things with you, it was very wrong of me to do so. I was selfish to make it all about me, I should of let you express how you felt.

When I first met you, I always knew there was something different about you; a good different you still are. You are like a breath of fresh air, you have the biggest heart made of absolute gold, you always knew how to make me smile and you always knew how to make me happy. Our relationship was one of the most stable, most happy and one of the most strongest relationships ever; and you say it was all because of me, but I say it was all because of you. You were the one who made me feel what it was like to be in love, and I wanted to be able to show you how much I appreciated you and loved you. No one else I've ever been with deserved to be treated with love and happiness other than you, you had my whole heart. If anything, I feel like you was a guardian angel because of all the beautiful qualities you had.

I really do thank god for bringing us together, i remember the day like it was yesterday. We were both in secondary school both the age of 15, we were in the same classes and we both fancied the pants of each-other. You was the shy one, whenever I tried to speak to you; you'd only respond with a one word answer and your cheeks would turn as red as tomatoes. But that's what I loved about you; I loved how delicate you were. It wasn't until we got paired with each-other for a project that I knew I was falling in love with you. I remember looking at you and seeing your light brown eyes glistening, your smile as bright as ever and your infectious laugh that was like music to my ears made me fall in love with you. It took me a while to tell you how I felt, I really didn't want to freak you out at all. But as soon as I told you, it was the best decision I made and I was as happy as i ever been; and it was all because of you.

If I'm honest with you, I shouldn't of said I wanted to end our relationship the way I did. I've never thrown away the memories we made or the love we shared, I've always kept it with me forever. I'm so sorry I couldn't make you my priority like the other footballers made their girlfriends their priority, i just couldn't. Not because I didn't want too, just because I knew I needed to put myself and football first at that time. I did love you Y/N, I loved you more than you could ever know, I never stopped loving you. You always had my heart, always.

I can't tell you how much I regret saying you became like a chore for me, it was the wrong words for me to say. You never became like a chore for me, i was just being very selfish. I couldn't bare to see your face knowing I wanted to end things with you, so I became distant. That's why I started stopped being affectionate with you, stopped taking you out and stopped speaking to you. I knew I had to tell you at some point, but I didn't know how. I didn't know how to tell you that I didn't want this anymore, so I did the one thing I knew would hurt and that was to hurt your feelings. I hurt your feelings because I knew it would make you want to end our relationship; instead of me doing it. I know it was wrong of me, and I apologise massively for doing that to you.

I never knew you still watch me play football, it makes me happy knowing that because you were my number 1 fan; and it seems like you still are. I can't believe you still come to watch me in the stands. I understand why you leave straight after the game is finished, I'm sorry if i made it so difficult for you to see me; it hurts knowing that. I'm glad you're there to see my achievements, it makes me more happier than you'll ever know. I'm so glad you think all my hard work is paying off, it makes me so thankful to know you think I'm doing great. I figured it was time for a change; that's why I decided to grow my moustache and a beard. I'm so shocked you noticed, I still can't believe I've heard from you.

I'm sorry you had to find out about Mariah, it must of been so hard for you to hear that. She really does make me happy Y/N, more than everything. But she will never be you, she's nothing like you. I would of thought being with someone else would make me forget about us, but it never did. I always still think about you and everything we did together, I still love you. I never stopped, you are the best the best thing that's ever happened to me and I really do mean that. I should of never ended things with you.

Summer misses you, she knows Mariah isn't you. She always calls for you and when you're not there, it's like she knows because of how upset she gets. Seeing my niece upset because you're no longer in her life, it saddens me. Like how the rest of my family gets upset because you're not here anymore, it really does hurt them. It is my fault because of this, I probably should of never ended things with you. It was one of the biggest mistakes of my life and I don't know how I'll ever make it up to you or make things right with you.

I'm so sorry I caused you so much pain, i can't believe that I hurt you so bad. I regret it massively, I can't believe I did that to you. You have one of the most kindest hearts I've ever known, you really are one of a kind. I'm so glad you're happy, it makes me so happy knowing you're content. It really does. I know you told me not to reply to your letter but I felt like I had to, I didn't want to just read the letter and that be the end. You deserve way more than that.

I'm so proud of you too, I've seen all the charity work you've been doing and it still proves you have the biggest heart. I'm so glad we were in each-others lives for such a long time, it was really the best times of my life. I'm so thankful to of had the opportunity to be with someone like you, you made my life worth living every day. I appreciate you more than you'll ever know Y/N, I really do.

I will love you until I take my last breath Y/N, no one will ever be like you. You will always have a special place in my heart, forever. You are one of a kind Y/N, you deserve nothing but the absolute best.

I hope one day you'll find someone who loves you for you, appreciates you and treats you how you deserve to be treated. I'm so sorry I couldn't be that person for you, but I know one day you'll find someone who does that. And I can't wait to see you so much more happier than you already are.

I'm going to ask Dec to give you this letter as I know you've moved house and I no longer know the address. But also to resist temptation, I won't ask for your new address or number. As much as i want to keep in contact with you, I know you need to work on yourself now and do what's best for you. But I can't wait to see you flourish and become an even better version of yourself; you really do deserve it.

Thank-you for a life-time worth of memories, the endless love and for all the happiness you gave me. It hurts that you gave back the promise ring, but I know it was for a good reason, but hopefully one day someone will give you the ring you deserve. Even though we're parting ways for good, you'll always have a MASSIVE place in my heart.

Goodbye Y/N,

I'll always be here if you need me, no matter what.

Yours forever,

Mason x

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