A Letter To You - Mason Mount (PART 3)

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synopsis: where you respond to masons letter revealing some news

Dear Mason,

This is the end; this is the final letter I'll be sending to you. Declan gave me your letter and if I'm completely honest with you, I was hesitant in opening it. I was really scared in opening it because I didn't know what you was going to say and I didn't know how i'd feel after reading it. But Mase, your letter was written so beautifully and I appreciated every single word you said.

I'm no longer mad at you Mase, I stopped being mad a very long time ago. You had your reasons to why our relationships ended and I completely understand. When you said that you only said "You've become like a chore to me" so I'd end the relationship, it made sense to me. You said it, so I would be the one to end it so you wouldn't have to say and see it me hurt. If I'm honest with you, that was probably one of the worst decisions you've ever made. You're a smart person Mase, you should of told me exactly how I felt; I would of understood. Yeah I may of been upset, but i would of recovered eventually.

All the memories we made were great weren't they? I remember that one time we were at Declan's and we gave Declan an edible and he thought the drink he had drank had gone off, and he thought that was the reason he felt dizzy; we couldn't stop laughing. Do you remember when you brought me home to meet your parents for the first time, and you knew how nervous I was so you told your parents to act like they didn't like me so you could see my reaction? You really loved to wind me up.

Our lives are so completely different; your playing football and other projects and I'm slowly but surely finding myself. Right now, I've been doing all kinds of charity work and raising a lot of money for charities close to my heart. In a couple of months, I'll be flying over to a different country to build schools for children so they are able to have an education. I'll be going for a while; a year to be exact. This is an opportunity that I'd never thought I'd be able to get. It's made me so so happy, that I'll be able to make other people happy.

Reading that your family and summer miss me made my heart burst. Your family has always been good to me; they've become like a second family to me and everything they've done for me, I'll forever be thankful to them. Could you thank them for me? Not just for looking after me, but for always being there no matter what. Your mom and dad are two of the best people I've ever met, there's no one else like them in this world; they are truly one of a kind. Jazz was like the big sister I never had; always giving me advice, always helping me through any problems I had and helping me figure out my style (which I'm so glad has finally gotten better after all these days). Lewis was also like a brother I never had; he always looked out for me and always protected me whenever I needed it. You and your family are special people to me Mase, and will forever a place in my heart.

From what I see on social media, Mariah really does make yoh happy Mase and I couldn't be more pleased for you. When I first found out about you and her, I was so upset. But as time passed; I realised how happy you were with her and how much you loved her. I know you said she'll never be me, which is true but she's helped you more than you'll know. She's helped you become you again, and that's what you wanted and needed. So give her a little credit; she may not be me, but she was able to help you find your mojo again.

Mason, you know that no matter what you'll always have my heart? It will always be you. But right now, I think we need to part; we both need to focus and love ourselves right now. I need to especially, I need to get back to being me and how I was years ago. I've kind of lost myself for a while and now I need find myself. I told you I'm leaving soon to build schools, I'll be leaving this Saturday for a year. I know a year is a longtime and a lot can happen in a year, but this is a massive and great opportunity for me. I can't pass this up, I want to do this not just the children but for me too; I want to be able to say I finally did something wonderful and did something for me.

I'm sorry; I won't be able to say goodbye to you, it will be too hard for me. I just won't be able to look in your face, I can't do it. I'm trying to move on from the past and for me to do that, you can't be in the way. I can't say goodbye to Dec or your family either; it will hurt too much and I can't do that to myself; not again. Please say goodbye to them for me and tell them I'll be back soon. It's hard to say goodbye to people yoh really love, it really does. I can't say gooodbye to you Mase because it will hurt too much. I wouldn't be able to bare to look at you if I said goodbye to you; so it's best if i just do it on here.

Goodbye again Mase,

Thank you for your beautifully written letter again, i was shocked but I was really glad to hear from you and that you decide to write to me.

Yours truly,

Y/N x

mason mount imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora