Mesmerised - Mason Mount ft. Declan Rice, Ben Chilwell and Reece James

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Synopsis: After working at SGP as their newest member of the social media team for a couple of months, a certain Chelsea star has the biggest crush on you. feeling anxious to ask you out, Masons' fellow teammate; Ben Chilwell, gives him the push he needs to make it happen.

You hadn't been there long but, you were the newest addition to the social media team at St George's Park. You began working there for your university course, where you had to take a year off your studies to do a placement to get extra credits and for a brand new experience.

When you first started, you made a great first impression to not just the staff, but to Gareth and the boys. They all had taken such a liking to you, some of them even having a soft spot for you especially Mason. From the minute he laid his eyes on you and introduced himself to you, he had already developed some sort of feelings for you.

You were completely oblivious that the Chelsea star had took a liking to you, but everyone there knew how captivated Mason was by you. Even though you were oblivious knowing he liked you, you had formed a little crush on Mason yourself. Even when Mason was training, you was the only thing he'd talk about. He'd always ask the other employees when you were next in or where you was when you wasn't there. When you was there though, Mason was like a lost little puppy around you; always asking about your day, asking how you've been when he hadn't seen you for a while and never failing to complimenting you even when you thought you didn't look nice. Everyone found it hard to believe you had no idea that Mason had the biggest crush on you; you just thought he was being nice.

Mason thought you were the most beautiful girl he'd ever laid eyes on. He loved how happy you was and how you always made everyone around you smile and feel good about themselves. His most favourite thing about you, was your smile. If he was having a bad day and the colour he was seeing around him was dull and dark, whenever you smiled around him it made him see the colour gold and everything around him would light up.

You were currently walking into reception of St George's Park, when you saw the Chelsea star along with Declan Rice, Reece James and Ben Chilwell all there. It was Ben that had spotted you walk in, he slightly nudged Mason who when he looked up had a massive grin on his face after seeing you walk in.

"Now's your chance Mase, are you actually going to ask her out or be a chicken like previous times" Ben said teasing his friend, Mason rolled his eyes before pushing ben causing him to fall.

"I can't ask her out, firstly she could reject me which could lead to it getting very awkward. Secondly, she probably doesn't even like me like that" Mason said softly while watching you make conversation with another employee.

"Mase mate, just go for it. If you like her, you should do it. If she rejects you, she rejects you. Who wouldn't like you? you're a top lad" Declan said encouraging his friend before putting his hand on his friends' shoulder.

"Dec's right Mason, you need to go for it; instead of watching her from a distance, it's kind of creepy bro" Reece said also putting his hand on his friends' shoulder to give him some sort of confidence.

Ben knew from the look on his friend's face that he was very unsure on what to do and nothing but for Mason to be able to ask you out; but he knew that the chances of Mason expressing his feelings for you were slim to none. So Ben being a "good friend" in his eyes, he decided to take matters into his own hands and decided to pretend that he was going to speak you so he could give Mason that little push he needed to come and speak to you.

Ben got up from the floor and started walking towards you which made Mason furrow his eyebrows. "Ben, what are you doing?" Mason shouted at his friend. Ben turned back around and smirked at his friend before turning back.

"I'm being a good friend to you and I'm going to speak to her for you" Ben said with the biggest smirk on his face. From that smirk Mason knew that Ben was actually serious about he had just said he was about to do. Reece, Mason and Declan all looked at each-other before hurrying towards Ben.

"Hey you, how are you?" You heard someone say behind you say. You looked behind you and saw Ben Chilwell smiling softly at you.

"I'm good thank-you, how are you?" You asked happily, before Ben could reply you saw Reece, Mason and Declan all behind Ben with worried expressions on their faces.

"I'm all good thanks. Mase wanted to ask you something, didn't you buddy?" Ben asked while placing his hand on Mason's shoulder.

"E-erm y-yeah I guess so" Mason said nervously, starting to feel under pressure.

"Let's leave them to it then guys, always a pleasure speaking to you" Ben said you before dragging Reece and Declan with him. Ben felt proud of himself that he gave his friend the little push he needed.

"What's up Mase? is everything okay?" You asked him smiling softly. Mason loved the next level of caring you had for everyone around you.

"Yeah, I'm good I'm good" Mason said looking down at you, relaxing once he saw you smile at him.

"What did you wanna ask me?" You asked him, curiously. You and Mason spoke many times, but for some reason this time while speaking to him you had butterflies in your stomach and you had no idea why.

"W-well I was just w-wondering, erm" He said before stopping mid-way through his sentence as he started to get nervous again. You had never known Mason to be so nervous in his life, whenever you'd had seen him; he always confident and happy in everything he did. So to see him nervous, was very different. You noticed his hands shaking, so you grabbed his hands softly to stop them from shaking.

"What's wrong Mase? I've never seen you so nervous in my life" You asked looking up at him. His eyes were glued to the floor, so you put a finger under his chin to make him look at you.

Mason decided that it was now or never asking you, he couldn't hide it any longer from you. And even if it went horribly wrong, at least he got it of his chest.

"I like you, like I really fucking like you. I've liked you since the first time I met you. I've never felt this way about anyone before, there's just something different about you. You're so positive, you make my time here, the happiest time of my life. Sometimes, I don't think you're even real. You're like a guardian angel who brings nothing but light and blessings to everyone. You have a light aura around you, every time I hear you laugh or see you smile you turn the room gold and I can't help but have this weird fuzzy feeling in my stomach. I really like you, and I want to be one of the reasons why you're happy and want to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. So, I was just wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime? I know it might be weird for me to say all of that to you, but I couldn't hold it in any-" As Mason was just about to finish, you pulled him into a hug and softly pressed a kiss onto his cheek.

"I like you too Mase, and I'd love nothing more than to go with you" You said pulling away from the hug, looking up with a huge smile on your face.

"Really?" Mason said happily with a tint of pink forming on his cheeks as he looked down at you. You bit your bottom lip, nodding at him before he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug which made you giggle.

In the distance, Ben smiled over at his friend; proud of him that he finally had the courage to ask you out even though he forced him to do it. But he was never the less happy, that his best-friend would finally have the chance to take out the girl he was completely mesmerised over.

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