What has got you distraught? It's negative attention at best.

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Red Velvet Cookie watches the red flames lick the gleaming metal bars of the oven. The fire roars as it grows larger, flames lightening to a bright pink before flickering down to a crimson red. The iron door swings open, causing Red Velvet's cake hounds to jump back, whimpering.

"Do not worry hounds, it is only the oven" he says quietly. Chiffon nudges at his hand with her nose, and he obliges, lightly scratching the top of her head. "Chiffon, it is almost time to rest! You can wait a little bit longer, can you not?"

Suddenly Red Velvet hears a rattling noise behind him. Remembering the veiled cookie who had come a while back, he draws out his sword, eyeing at the cookie behind him. His dark hair is disheveled, hanging down frizzily on his face, obscuring part of his scowling face. His amber eyes gleam dangerously, as if he was ready to snap at a second's moment.

"Why have you traveled here Licorice? Is there something of importance that I need to know of or is this just-"

"Dark Enchantress Cookie sent me! and can you please shut up so that I can get this over with!" Licorice Cookie says irritated, glaring at Red Velvet sullenly. Red Velvet moves to sheathe his sword, but stops as he notices Licorice flinch. It is clear that there is something wrong.

"Are you alright? You are looking rather disarranged at the moment." Red Velvet says, concern for Licorice riddled faintly in his voice.

"Nothing is wrong! She just wants you there for the upcoming battle." Licorice spits out. "Dark Enchantress thinks the fight will be in a weeks time, so bring those cake mutts."

"Are you certain that you are well?" He asks. It isn't uncommon for Licorice to be moody from time to time,  but too act like this? "I was already going back my room, but if you need anything you may inform me."

Licorice Cookie stiffens, eyes narrowing slightly. " I don't need any help! I'm not, wait no, it's not important!" Licorice snaps, and Red Velvet starts to realize that there are dried tear tracks on Licorice's cheeks.

Red Velvet stares at him quietly, mouth pulling downwards into a slight frown. "I don't believe you are telling the truth, it is obvious that you are in distress. I have an extra room that you may use to recuperate, if you wish." Licorice's face softens and he gapes at him silently, his long eyelashes holding drops of unshed tears.

"What? Why would you do something like that for me?" Licorice whispers after a moment of silence. A sob bursts out from him and Licorice curls in on himself, leaning forwards towards Red Velvet. He's not sure how to deal with this.

He reaches out towards him while Licorice grasps at him, spindly hands chilly and soft, speaking incomprehensibly and hysterically. Licorice is crying to the point of heaving with sobs. "I don't get it! I never do anything right, I'm-I'm useless! Why! Why are you helping me!" Licorice cries into Red Velvet's chest, cold tears soaking into his clothes. Red gently lowers them both to the cold ground, hesitantly messing with Licorice's hair with one hand and holding his hand with the other.

Red Velvet thinks on what to say next as he awkwardly pats Licorice's back with his striped cake hand. He decides on," You are not useless, what makes you think that? I'm helping you because I want to."

Licorice's crying subsides for a bit while he asks a question. "I never- I can't finish missions! I'm the weakest out of all of us and- and I'm annoying and self-selfish and nothing, nothing about me is right!" Licorice wails, his crying resuming harder than before.

"Well, I don't believe that any of what you said was true." Red replies weakly. It seems like comforting cake hounds is easier than comforting cookies.

Licorice lets out a garbled, wet laugh, bitterly replying," Please, you don't- you don't need to lie to me. There is nothing good about me." Red Velvet immediately pictures determined lemon-colored eyes, or smooth grey complexion, or heavy fabric draping loosely over a skeletal frame.

Instead he says," I know that you are very intelligent, that you are in every way tenacious." Red Velvet keeps listing things that he loves about Licorice, and slowly he begins to calm. "-and that you are unfairly attractive and that-"

"What was- what was that last one?" Licorice sniffles unsteadily. Red Velvet realizes that he said that one out loud and feels his face flush quickly, and he's glad that Licorice's face is still pressed against his torso.

"N-nothing." Red Velvet says hastily. Licorices makes an almost disappointed hum, and Red Velvet's heart skips a beat when he realizes what that could imply. He scolds himself, it is most definitely not the time for that.

"Is it acceptable for me to inquire on what else you into believing.." He trails off, unsure of how to continue. "So that, if I can, I can prevent it from happening again?"

It's silent for a still moment, and Red Velvet starts to feel dread pooling in his stomach. Thankfully Licorice starts to speak.

"It's Pomegranate Cookie. She's just- she's just so mean!" Licorice says. "She keeps giving me more and more work to do and then- and then criticizes me for every single thing I do!"

He adds on," I know that it's stupid, but-" If Red Velvet didn't despise Pomegranate, he certainly did know.

"It's not stupid! Pomegranate has ways of getting under everyone's skin, including mine." Red Velvet interrupts. " It would be more surprising if she didn't do something like this."

After what seems like an eternity of comfortable silence, Licorice slowly rises up from the ground. Red Velvet's a bit disappointed, but follows suit.

"You can stop holding my hand now, Velvet." Licorice says, and Red Velvet quickly brings his hand back to his side, slightly embarrassed. The nickname could make him cry. "Well, thank you for helping me, with you know, all of that." Licorice says quietly.

"Of course." Red Velvet replies, not knowing what else to say. A a bit of small talk later and they've reached the exit of the hound factory. "You can always visit me if you are in need of something." Red Velvet says. He hopes that Licorice will accept his offer.

"I promise I will visit you. Even if I don't need anything." Licorice says. "I need to pay you back somehow right? And what better way then to grace you with my 'unfair attractiveness.'"

Red Velvet laughs startledly, not expecting Licorice to remember that. Licorice joins in as well, but soon after leaves with a goodbye. The room seems colder with his absence, but Red Velvet realizes that he still needs to start putting things away so that he may rest. Still, he looks forward to seeing Licorice Cookie again.


I haven't written fan fiction since that one i did in sixth grade about Cinder so it might be bad. I have also forgotten how Wattpad works in the last three years. Why are there ads.

Red Velvet x Licorice PG Connected One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now