Hey! It's been a long time since I've seen your name online

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(I remembered that I wrote that Red Velvet and Licorice splayed Roblox as kids so I'm writing that now lol)

His hand hovers of the keyboard, fingertips barely skimming the surface. His roblox character looks at him plainly, a neutral expression noted bored onto it's face. Red Velvet knows that he shouldn't, but the idea is far to tempting to resist.

redalphacool4:i hte yuo so muhc
redalphacool4:you kejp killinf me
xx_bones1837:weren't you in MY territory *hiss*
redalphacool4: *grolwa and rnus aeay*
xx_bones1837:*goes to territory*
xx_bones1837: *plans to take the wolf pack's den*

Red Velvet logs into Dog and Cat Simulator, quickly making his avatar bigger, better. It's red eyes glow as he patters into the forest, away from his den. He'll show Bones that wolves are better, that he can't be stopped.

Chiffon, who's sitting at his left, uses his paws to help him type and hit the WASD keys. Red Velvets cake arm is far to strong for games, and has destroyed several keyboards.

Red Velvet sees the black-gray cat, who has a small necklace of bones, arguing with a shorter one. They're in a tree, one with leafy green branches. He skims over the roblox chat, where Bones is spamming over and over again. He'll wait for Bones to climb down, and ambush him, proving that wolves are far better than cats.

He hits shift, crouching low to the ground. Long blades of grass obscure his avatar, though his red aura could give him away if someone looks closely enough. Red Velvet starts to wait, but his fingers twitch and he can't find himself interested on eavesdropping on Bone's conversation.

Can wolves climb in game? Red Velvet aka himself as he reaches a nearby tree, moving his mouse to look at the lowest hanging branch. He jumps, landing on a branch. His legs stand on empty space, and only one of his paws actually touch the tree, but it works.

He jumps from branch to branch until he's closer to Bones, and he can jump on the cat. Before doing so, he decides to do something so distinctive, so captivating, that Bones will never be able to forget this moment.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Lyrics. He copies the verses and pastes them into the chat. It will take a good amount of timing, and plenty of complicated movement, but Red Velvet- no, RedAlphaCool4 is sure that he'll accomplish it with graceful ease of the likes which Bones has never seen before.

Bones moves, and Red bows it's his time to strike. Chiffon presses on the spacebar, Red Velvet clicks enter and directs the avatar. With another few keys, he hears the tell tale oof and he knows that he's done it. The other cat pounces in him, repetitively hissing, and Red Velvet falls into the ground. He's no coward, he'll fight back twice as fiercely.

The odds are skewed against him. Bones is the leader cat, and his clan follows behind him. Red Velvet spams the howl button, calling for his pack, as he runs into the hoard of cats. He doesn't expect to make it out alive, but he'll die a warriors death.

It's easy going, at first; most of the cats are inexperienced at fighting. Soon the fighters jump in, and he struggles to keep purchase on the cliff. Chiffon is using both paws to move, and Red Velvet is furiously moving the mouse, but he falls into the water, sinking slowly into it's depths.

A few seconds pass before he realizes that he's still alive. He looks upwards, turning his monitor's brightness up, to see his pack fighting the cats, sending many down the cliff. Red Velvet's HP bar is halfway full now, so he swims towards the nearest car and pulls it down into the water, fights it and he moves onto the next cat. Rinse and repeat.

Cats stop falling from the cliff, and Red Velvet climbs up the small path, meant for cats he thinks, and see's the devastation. Only a few members of his pack remain fighting, and Bones looks downwards, as if he presides over it all. Bone's face hasn't changed a bit, but Red Velvet can imagine the smug expression on it.

He can't let his pack's den be taken, it's one of their last strongholds left. All of their food, all of their resources are in there. Without it, the pack would have to disband, and find a new game to play. Red Velvet won't be able to stop it with teeth and claw, but there is still another option.

xx_Bones1837: You lost again lol
xx_Bones1837: Your den will now belong to the SHADOW CLAN
RedAlphaCool4: Nto if you acpet tijs dral
xx_Bones1837: What is it?
RedAlphaCool4: you leave the den alpnr adn i wiol be takwn as prisaner
RedAlphaCool4: i will alao gove you robuxs

He walks in tandem with Bones, lowering his avatar's head in shame. Red Velvet does not have a ten dollar Robux gift card, and his mother would never allow him to just give one away. The only hope for Red Velvet is that Bones forgets about it.

A few days later, and Bones hasn't stopped pestering him about the card. There were more skirmishes afterwards, and Red Velvet escaped under the rule that he never said how long he would be prisoner.

A Discord notification pops up on the corner of his screen, a lengthy paragraph from Bones. Red Velvet agreed to send the Robux via Discord, for convenience and ease. Another notification from Bones pops up, along with a ringing noise. He accepts.

"You still didn't give me my robux gift card!" Bones, who's voice is higher than Red Velvet imagined, sounds angry. "It's been five days, do you know how long that is?"

"Of course I do, idiot," Red Velvet quips back, nervously glancing at a napping Chiffon. "You'll have it in forty five days." Bones lets out a muffled yell at that, and turns on a camera, revealing a gray hand sticking up the middle finger in a dark room. He shuts off the camera just as quickly, but Red Velvet is appalled and insulted.

"Why would you do that!" Red Velvet yelps, yelling into his headphone's microphone. He hears his own voice back. "Do you know what the means?"

Bones is silent for a moment, then says,"Someone at my school did it to me, and then called me a cuss word." He pauses, seemingly lost in thought, then continues. "Teacher said it was because I was better then him at magic," Bones says smugly.

"It means," Red Velvet lowers his voice to where he can barely hear it," The F-word you."

"Red Velvet!" Dark Enchantress yells from across the castle, her voice echoing eerily. "Don't say that word!

"Sorry Mother!" Red Velvet calls back, ignoring Bones grating snickers. "Now I'm gonna be grounded," he says glumly.

"Sorry." Bones does not sound sorry at all. "Do you wanna play with voice call on?"

"Sure, but it's going to end with your people slaughtered and your land razed to the ground." Red Velvet repeats a line he read in one of Mother's books. He logs into his game, and prepares for another fight.

I am actually getting so old 😕  My birthday is next week and I can already feel the white hair growing in 😔

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