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The two older person's that were at the cafe.
I bowed and greeted them and everyone else was right behind.

Me:good afternoon sir and ma'am
I signalled Jimin that I wanted to talk to him
We went to the nearby room

Me:Chim,who r they
Jimin:my parents
Me:y-your p-parents?
Jimin:yes cupcake I invited them for dinner and to get to know you
Me:but what if they don't like me
Jimin:don't think too much kitten, hm

We came out and I lead everyone to the table.

?:wow this much food?!
??:it looks nice

We sat down and began to eat.
?:who prepared this!!!

I started to sweat at the sudden shout out nervousness.
Me:I-I did *low voice*

Everyone looked at me with open eyes it made me even more nervous about if the food is good or not.

Me:d-do you n-not like it

My heart sank at that one word but..-

?:I love it!!, What's your name little girl?
Me:K-Kim Y/n
?:I'm Mrs. Park, Jimin's mother
??:I'm Mr. Park, Jimin's father and what are you doing here?

Me:umm I-I-
Jimin:she's the girl u came here to meet and also my future girlfriend and wife😌

Mrs. Park: I hope you aren't a gd digger because you looks so cute and innocent
Jimin:she is
Mrs. Park:I'm talking to y/n for God sake

I just kept eating. Everyone started to talk about mafia stuff while me and Ms. Park were bonding while helping the maids with the dishes.

Mrs. Park:so what would you do if Jimin proposed to u again?

I blushed at her sudden question and she started to tease me.

M/P: Omo my future daughter in law is blushing

Me:Mrs. P don't tease me
M/P:call me aunty or mom I don't mind dear
Me:ok aunty, but I think I have a little crush on him now, he has been so kind and caring
M/p:no wonder he was being all nice to us, u really changed him and I'm so glad rn.

She hugged me and we started giggling like some teenagers who just saw there crush up close, like that we kept on bonding and now I think it's desert time.

I went to the oven and took out the cake that already decorated, and head to the dinning table.

Since everything was scattered I cleared my throat to get there attention and when I did they all gasped and I giggled at there reaction.

Since everything was scattered I cleared my throat to get there attention and when I did they all gasped and I giggled at there reaction

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Everyone except y/n:was
Mr.P:how many of these have u made before

I shared the the cake and we all dug in.

Jimin:waaah I have a cute future girlfriend and a cook too what next

I blushed at what he said and thankfully nobody noticed me

After eating the maids tidied up and everyone left.
I went to my room to do my night routine.

I went to my room to do my night routine

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I came out and went to the bed,sadly Jimin wasn't here tonight, but I just ignored it and tried to sleep, after many twist and turns I finally fell asleep

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I came out and went to the bed,sadly Jimin wasn't here tonight, but I just ignored it and tried to sleep, after many twist and turns I finally fell asleep

End of Y/n Pov
Jimin Pov

I was unable to stay with y/n tonight since I had a mission, one of my enemies was trying to break into my parents house so I'm dealing with that now and as soon as I'm done I'm going back home to my baby.

At home, in y/n bedroom
I came in to see her figure passed out, there was a pout on her mouth and her messy bun, she looked so cute I wanna hug her right now but I'm all bloody.

I went to the bathroom to get clean for my innocent babygirl.

I came out and went straight to the bed and lay down so that she was facing me. Before I could touch her she already hugged into me like a koala, I chuckled

Me:guess u missed me but don't worry I'll propose soon my love

With that I went to join y/n in her dreamland.

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