Narcissist much....
.. no I mean I just know I am great nothing else.

After that my mumma ushered me to go to the washroom as if I was new to this room ha! This is my room for my sake,hmm.

I went to Washroom and changed into a baby pink hooded sweatshirt and denim jeans and my sneakers yes I was ready to go.... ..... No,I have to take my handbag yes.

When I finally reached downstairs in the living area Navya di was the first one to notice me,and she gave me a bewildered look,ok... Why was Navya di looking at me as if there was a group of zombies behind me, frightened I looked at my sides and noticed that no one was there,so I carefully turned my neck to just glance at my back, just as I was about to glance my mumma called me.

"Adhvi,as much as I love you,I really have to ask you that are you sure you are alright." Mumma asked her face full of concern,why was she asking me about this? I am perfectly fine as my headache simply vanished. Seriously,I think my family should worry about their own health as they seem to always behave weirdly.

I was about say to my mumma that I was completely fine,even before I could open my mouth to speak navya cut me in the middle and began to speak.

"Adhvi,I know that nowadays some crazy fashion experiments are going on,but do you really want to go out while looking like a ghost?" Nabha di asked me,and while asking me about this her facial expression was of complete disbelief, but I was wearing a cute outfit in which it indicated my love for BTS too.
Oh god lord, I forgot to do my hair and I didn't apply anything to my face too.

But I look really good without any products on my face,but I cannot say the same thing about my bed hair which probably resembled a lot to a bird nest. That was why Navya was reacting like that, thank god there wasn't any Zombies,I am literally scared of them,I mean come on those creatures just bites you and you just convert into one, vampire is better. Hmmm, I concluded.

Wait what was I missing again,as I was about to remember that information,my mumma shouted my name and said me to come near her. .. ok .

So I just went near her and she said me to sit down on the couch and I did, and that's when I realised that I mumma was going to do my hair,.. oh! It's been nearly more than 5 years that she stopped doing my hair,if I needed help one of my sisters or brothers, and yes my brothers would do my hair as they learnt it.

After mumma brushed my hair we all went out and I really had no idea where we were going as nobody thought it was a good idea to inform me,wow! Atleast I have been invited here,dev bhai and dadda were left out poor them.

As I was thinking about how was I going to figure it out to secretly visit the lost city of Dwaraka,I dive was not going to be so much of a problem as I knew swimming, but I surely would be caught even before I reached the underwater,and I can't really dive so deep without being a professional diver,and to that I have to take a professional degree,hmmm after that I could even teach diving,wow! Then I can have a beach house and there I can open my own diving school,Aha! I will make so much money oh god! Wait why do I feel like I forgot something,hmmm ..............
Oh...... I am already an ARCHEOLOGIST, atleast will be after 4 months.
That's what I forgot,ha! But it's ok I can be both more money good for me,and with that I could hire a crazy scientist like Tony Stark and can travel through space and! That would be so awesome.  

I still think I forgot something,. Nevermind I think it was not that important.

I came back into reality,when I noticed that Navya di has stopped the car and we were in a parking lot.. shit I totally zoned out, now I don't even know where we are going, talk about daydreaming.

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