I will hug your worries away

Start from the beginning

His hand was itching to go find a cigarette, but the sentence of Niharika in his hind sight was restricting his hands. "If I see you smoke again, I will start smoking too." Yeah, too adultish way to stop someone smoking. Although, this alone proved how much Ranvijay felt about Niharika.

Suddenly, someone slumped down beside him. He looked beside him. Niharika was sitting calmly beside him, folding her knees, looking ahead of her, just at a hand distance.

Different kinds of emotions whirled around Ranvijay's eyes.

"Don't mind me, act as if I am invisible," said Niharika without looking at him. Although, her tone was flat and calm, but deep down she was scared to death thinking Ranvijay can get offended. But, she can't leave him alone, seeing him sitting lost like this for a long time. Sure, she was pissed on him, about lashing out at her, but she promised herself that she will always the take first step in their relation and here is she.

Ranvijay looked at her like a man who has lost all his memories, but suddenly a certain someone is giving back his memories without even uttering a word.

Ranvijay just slipped a bit, to hide his face in the crook of her neck, and nuzzled his face in there, keeping his head on her shoulder, looking ahead too.

But, this small activity of him, raised thousand butterflies in her, all she ever wanted to be, was someone he could lean in when he was upset.

Getting some courage, she continued, "I am with you no matter what, you know that right?"
She held his hand, interlocking their fingers, and said stroking his hand with her thumb, "You can share anything if you want. I am here till, you are comfortable to share. Okay?" Her voice was a mere whisper.

Ranvijay nodded mildly on her shoulder, before slouching down more and getting on her lap. He lied down on her lap, hugging her, hiding his face in her stomach. She too caressed his hairs and head.

She was waiting for him to wake up, but he fell asleep being tired and comfy in your lap.

Next morning:

Ranvijay opened his eyes waking up. He noticed himself on her lap, and remembered what happened last day. She was still sleeping in that sitting position, keeping her head on the sofa.

He was busy admiring her. "How can you be so strong? If you're going to be this understanding, how am I supposed to be angry on you? How will I take harsh decision, I was taking of?"

She woke up, massaging her paining shoulder and neck and looked down at him, lying on her lap directly looking at her.

She smiled softly, and feathered his forehead with a kiss.

Ranvijay's eyes closed themselves on their own, his heart became calm. He felt her hairs, tickling him on their way back. She caressed his cheeks and nape with her fingers, and combed his hairs brushing her fingers through them.

She said in a soft voice, "I don't know, why you are stressed this much, but whatever it is, you will go through it. I trust you and I know, we will overcome it. I am here, okay, anything happens, I will collect you in my arms and hide you from the world. Hmmm?"

Her protective sentence eased Ranvijay, he sat up and brought her face to his chest, hugging her tightly. She hugged him back.

"My company..isn't really in a right place at this moment. There are .. um.. things.. that...how can I say.. like needs to be taken care of..." Ranvijay expressed his fear.

Niharika cupped his face and replied, "You will get through this. Your employees trust you a lot, and you need to take care of them. If required, hire a secret agent or something. May be a hacker can do also? If you want, I can speak to Sunaina.."

"No no, not her!"
"Why, what's the problem?"
"She will get another reason of why I am the most unfit for your husband race."

Niharika chuckled.
"But, I would like it if you use your words against me wisely in a fight, I may find a reason to believe her words."

Ranvijay hugged her again, hiding his face in her neck, "I have no one else. I am like this only, I can't handle my frustration. Please, don't leave me."

Niharika, " Young man, you think you can get rid of me that easily, I will bite your head off before I am done with you." They both chuckled at her words.


In a secluded place:

A man dressed in a black shirt was sitting in front his laptop. His lips curled up in a smile seeing how well his plan was going on. While he was busy surfing through his laptop, a lady in her late forties came beside the man- a tray bringing in coffee for his favorite son.

"You have been doing well." She said. Her son looked at him with a sinister smile. 

"This is nothing." He said.
"I have just started, Ranvijay just wait and watch. Mom have you done what I asked you to?" He turned his chair towards his mom. The lady gave him an assuring smile. This is  what they have been planning for so long. Finally their goal will be fulfilled.

"Ofcourse son, I did. Also why do you think I chose that gold digger for Ranvijay?" She smirked. "Surely, she will leave him after this."

He listened to his mother with confidence. Finally this day is coming.

"Let the games begin."


The enemies are preparing their conquest. Niharika, a gold digger? Who is the actual villain in the story?

Also, Thank you too yukinishizawa for writing the last part, coz I am just way to bland in suspense writing

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