Chapter Twenty-Seven: Another Secret Meeting

Começar do início

"God, someone is still mad her boyfriend is getting better kitty from somewhere else," Bishop quietly scoffs.

"Bishop!" I gasp, stifling a laugh. "You can't say that."

He simply shrugs. "Oh please, like you don't agree with me. I know Virgo and Rosie do."

Faking a gasp I lean forward in the saddle, hovering over Virgo's neck.

"Do you believe Uncle Bishop's rude remarks, chocolate head?" I ask my horse.

Virgo ignores me, plodding silently along.

"Great, I'm a horse uncle now," groans Bishop. "Well lets get our asses out of here Grandma Maddie."



The water drops fly willing off Virgo's back as I pass the water scraper over him.

"When do you think we're getting out of here?"

I look up from hosing off Virgo and over to Bishop who is in the wash bay over, putting Rosie in ice wraps.

"Do you want to leave badly then?" I laugh lightly.

Bishop shakes his head, going back to strapping the blue wrap to Rosie's chestnut leg.

"Aren't you sick off this heat?"

Shrugging I say, "I guess, but it is beautiful out here."

"Wish I could see, to bad all my forehead sweat runs into my eyes," huffs Bishop. "Bishop isn't made for the heat."

I roll my eyes, slipping a treat out of my pocket. Virgo turns his head in his halter so he can lick the piece of carrot straight out of my palm. I rub his neck, continuing to hose down his dark legs.


"Yeah, Bishop?"

I turn around once more but find that he is still hunched over Rosie's leg. Bishop also looks up, his eye brows raised.

"Wasn't me," he shrugs, nodding in the direction behind me.

Oh great.

Turning around I'm met with the large frame of Elias leaning against the metal fence that surrounds Virgo's wash bay. There's a devilish smirk on his face. Letting out a small groan I turn the hose off.

"Hey, Maddie," Elias grins.

I stand up from the tap and walk over to Elias and lean on the fence, copying his relaxed demener. I run my eyes over him. He's dressed in some Swedish band hoodie and his grey jodpurs and black tall boots.

Still the same height as me, I think with a smirk.

"What is it?"

Elias opens his mouth slightly throwing his hands in the air. "Wow, aren't you being defensive today."

I roll my eyes. Elias smiles.

"What you doing tonight?" he asks.

My brows press together. "Why?"

Elias flicks his gaze in Bishop's direction before returning it to me. He leans close to my ear, so close his lips touch my ear. I shudder.

"We need to do something," he whispers, all playfulness gone from his voice.

"Don't you have a date night planned with Sophie or something you must go to instead?" I scoff, trying to cover my discomfort.

Elias locks his jaw and stands straight to turn around and lean against the metal gate so we both face the same way.

"Funny," he finally says, staring out towards the stable.

"I mean that would be more-"

"So," Elias continues, cutting me off, "I need your help with something tonight. You in?"

My eyes drop to my dust covered boots. There was no way I could say no.

"You going to scare me again?" I sigh.

Elias laughs, the bruise on his cheek creasing; I can't take my eyes off it.

"Do you really want to be doing this though?" I murmur, keeping my voice low so Bishop doesn't hear.

Elias throws me a curious glance.

"Did your father perhaps say something to you at the dinner to fire you up?"

I know I shouldn't bring it up, I know I should just forget what I saw that night. But if I throw a punch back at Elias maybe I won't feel so shitty.

The punch seems to land perfectly. Elias shifts his stance, pushing himself off the fence and I can see his cheeks start to redden. His hands fly to his hood and he hoists the black material over his white hair to cover his face more.

"No, he didn't," Elias mutters under his breath. "Just meet me at Åska's stall at eight."

With that Elias strides away, his hands buried in the jumper's pocket. A sigh escapes me followed by a sudden wave of weariness. When I turn back around I see Virgo watching me closely. I can't help myself and fall onto his neck, my arms consuming him.

"Everything okay?" I hear Bishop ask.

"Yeah everything's fine," I lie. "He just came to ask me where I put Alex's bridle bag."

I hope Bishop believes me as he says nothing after that.

I lift my head off Virgo's mane and see he has twisted his head around to give me an awkward stare.

"I know boy," I mutter, running my fingers down his face. "I know."

Madison v.s The Travelling Exchange StudentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora