✧ tricky_minds

26 2 1

Winning Book : Until the Very End
Genre Won : FanFiction

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Hi, please tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to know about Wattpad.

Hey everyone, my name is Abeeha but people usually call me Abby. I've been on Wattpad for as long as I can remember, silently reading all these amazing books, leaving votes, and admiring all these amazing authors but I started writing around August 2020, which is more than a year back. Since then, I've met so many amazing people here and made so many friends.

What inspired the idea for your book?

Dramione had always been my comfort ship ever since I started watching HP. I don't know why but there was something about them and being a sucker for enemies to lovers, I loved the concept of Draco and Hermione being together. Her changing him for the better and him showing her that it's not bad to sometimes embrace your dark side. Also, the uncountable amount of edits and amazing books I read also played a huge part in inspiring this book.

What does the title of your book mean? How does it relate to the story?

The title 'until the very end' was an important dialogue in HP since the time James said it to Harry in the Forbidden Forest. In the book, it almost has the same meanings. It's a promise from Draco to Hermione and vice versa that they'll stay with each other until the very end.

Is your main character someone you would get along with? Give your reason(s)

Oh My God, yes. Well, both Draco and Hermione are the main characters but I'd definitely get along more with Hermione because I feel like I'm a lot like her (not that smart ofc ) And Draco. *swoons*. He's my love. But I guess he's everyone's love, right? I'd literally die to meet him but alas! Life's not always fair ;-;

If you had the decision to rewrite any of your books, which one would it be and why?

It'll definitely be my second book "hard to love" because that book is full of plot holes. Lmao. I'd love to rewrite that book someday but I'm too lazy *sighs*

If you were to write a spin-off about a side character, which would you pick?

Neville. Without a doubt. I mean, he's my baby and I'd kill to protect him from the shitiness he's been through. Even in this book, he has a side story where I'll try to give him the happy ending he deserves.

Have you ever tried to write a novel for a genre you rarely or never read?

My third book, "Shades of Darkness" is a murder mystery kind of book and I've never ever read that genre before. Like EVER. And now, I'm such a hard time updating that book smh.

Do you have any unpublished books or drafts on Wattpad? If yes, why haven't you published it? If no, does it mean you don't plan on writing any books again?

Nope. The way I've controlled myself. I've sworn to myself that I won't keep any drafts because it's si fricking distracting. All my other story ideas are in a separate journal but none on Wattpad.

Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers?

All my books are on the account and you can go check them out, see if anything piques your interest <3

F I N D  •  T H E  •  A U T H O R
Instagram - @tricky_minds2

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