After 3 minutes (but what felt like a life time) I saw one of our cars and knew it had to be Nova. It would bring too much attention if I drove up next to her, she wold probably shoot me without thinking or looking to see who it was. 

I had to get out and go get her.

I pulled the car onto the side of the road, trying to hide it from sight and opened the door making sure to check if anyone was around me.

I pulled the car onto the side of the road, trying to hide it from sight and opened the door making sure to check if anyone was around me

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The Mexicans would be here in no more then a minute and I was ready. I sat in the car with the revolvers in the back seats and my hand gun resting on my lap. I also had amo and 3 knifes on me because I was wearing this awesome black outfit that had like 5 outer pockets.

I also had heel boots on because they looked fucking awesome and if I was going to kill some bitches then I was going to kill them in style.

My eyes focussed on outside the front glass of the car. I was ready to lead them to the abandoned town once they showed but the passenger door opened and instinctively, I grabbed my gun, pulling the safety trigger off and pointing it at the large figure who had stepped in.

When his head turned to look at my stone cold stare and the gun in his face, his eyes widen slightly before I let out a relieved sigh and put my gun back in my lap.

"What the fuck are you doing Damian, I could off killed you!"

I stared into his captivating eyes focussing on the shade of them and how the green became slightly darker on the edges.

I didn't get to see his eyes often, but when I did I looked at it as much as I could. 

"It's a trap, there are going to be 70 Mexicans to steal the shipment, we have to leave, now."

As he finished the last word of his sentence at least 20 black cars all head to tail, turned into the intersection where we were parked. It was them, they were heading past us to the storage container which held the drugs.


"Bit late, isn't it?" My words filled with sarcasm as I prompted to the cars that passed us and the four that were now blocking us from leaving. They were probably there for lookout which meant they wouldn't let anyone through without seeing their faces.

They maybe wouldn't recognise me but they for sure would recognise Damian.

double fuck

"Okay the only way we're going to get out of this is with a plan." I had to think logically so I did.

"The original plan wad to lead all of them into the town 4 miles south but if we take that way out of here we may be able to only get 4 of them to follow us. We can beat 4."

It was risky to change the plan like this and especially with someone who didn't even know the original plan but we had to try.

"4 against 1 is still a lot, you sure?"

Capableजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें