The Mark

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It had been too long since I'd seen Skylar and I already felt my heart aching. Even though we were smiling and talking the pain grew. I couldn't help but smile around her. Until I saw her mark.

"You got one too?" I asked. She gave me a confused look until I lifted my sleeve. She froze. She looked down at her arm and lifted her sleeve.

"It blocked off my magic... but only in the other dimension. Is yours the same? It looks different." She tilted her head while looking at my mark.

"That's... all your mark was for?" Hatred and pain filled in my eyes.  The pain felt like it was twisting and crushing my heart. She nodded and gave me a curious look.

"What's yours for?" She questioned.

"Um... well what yours is for... but, um...  it... it was for if I ever met the person I loved... it would, somehow inflict pain on me... and now, since I can feel it, I-I think it's making me feel like my heart is being twisted and crushed." I explained.  Her eyes filled with a hurt joy and she gave me the saddest look I'd ever seen on her face.

"AJ... I-I..." tears filled in her eyes and she covered her face with her hands. I wrapped my hands around her and pulled her closer to me. It stung when she touched me and shocks were sent through my body but I ignored them.

"I," she paused searching for words. "Is um... is it worse when you touch me." She looked up from my shoulder and I wiped the tears out of her eyes.

"It is but I can deal with it. Skylar, it's okay.  It's not gonna kill me. It just... hurts a bit." I explained. She smiled and kissed me. My pain was covered by joy and she hugged me tighter. My body felt as if it was on fire and I cringed.

"What happened when I kissed you?" She asked worry filling into her eyes.

"It's nothing Skylar." I assured her.

I didn't wanna get too lovey dovey but hey I had NO idea what to do with this chapter. Okay thank you! I got  500+ views on this book!!!! Okay well, I'm gonna go, goodbye my lovelies!
-Jackie ♡♥♡

Poison (Complete and being edited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ