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I scrambled out of the cell when he opened it and gave him a weary look. He stepped out of the shadows surrounding most of Skylar's cell and I got a good look at him, he had milk-chocolate colored hair dark blue eyes a black short v-neck T-shirt jeans and grey running shoes. It was... what was his name? Mike? Yeah that was it.

"Why are you helping us Mike?" I asked cautiously. He glanced at me and he looked hurt that I'd asked that.

"Because... I... nevermind. We need to go just hurry up." He replied hurrying over to the door. Shane gave me a confused look and I shrugged and started running after him.

We got to the door and he slipped a key in the lock and opened the door. He quietly pushed open the door and we silently sprinted out checking all the corners to make sure noone was there. He apparently knew what he was doing though because we didn't run into a single person... at first. We saw a man guarding a door so we rushed into a different room to find another way out. But this room was full of people when we ran in they all turned around and looked at us guns slinging over there shoulders. Mike quietly muttered something in another language and spun on his heel opening the door and sprinting out. We ran behind him following him as he took us around twists and turns all the while shouts, orders, and gun shots follwed everywhere we went Shane had the bad end of this with his ankle so I fell back a bit and quickly lifted him up and sprinted forward as he moaned in pain from running on his ankle. Mike saw me and slowed down a bit so he could take Shane instead I slipped Shane in to his arms and we sprinted on. Suddenly I heard a gun fire infront of me and on instinct I dove down barely dodging the bullet that was just fired at me. I sprang back up and hopped to the side and sprinted on after Mike but before I could get too far, another shot was fired at me slicing through the left side of my stomach and causing me to fall back from shock. Suddenly the pain washed over me and I cried out in pain but quickly scrambled up holding my side where I was shot with one hand and sprinted on. Finally we dove into an empty room full of doors and crates Mike locked the door behind us and led us through the maze of crates helping us maneuver through around the crates until we got to a door with the label EXIT in red letters Mike pushed the door opened and we sprinted out only to find we were suddenly surrounded by armmed men and a dessert.

Okay, CLIFF HANGER XD I'm evil. But I have the most evil plan for this book ;) (I got it while skyping my bestie MissLolz100 ♥ love her (in a sisterly way.) Anyway don't kill me I left you with another cliffie. Hopefully I'll update tomorrow.  But I'm sick so I'm semi unpredictable. :/ okay well I'm gonna go, please vote and comment! Bye my lovelies ♡♥♡

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