Don't Kill Me Please

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Skylar's POV (figured it needed to happen sometime.)

After the five hour long drive in the limo we made it to a small shack that was still in the desert.

"Um... that doesn't look very big." Lauren said a little sheepishly.

"It's underground." Chloe grumbled. She got mad at Lauren for making a stereotypical joke on the way here and didn't get over it. She has some anger issues.

"Would you lighten up? It. Was. A. Joke. I mean, come on." Lauren pleaded.

"I don't bloody care! Just because I a bloody Aussie... ugh just nevermind." Chloe walked up to the shack muttering crude things about Lauren under her breath and shoved the door open after a hidden scanner scanned her eye.

"Chloe-" Lauren tried to say.

"LAUREN! If you don't bloody shut up I'm going to skin you alive and force every single bit of your skin down your throat and cut you up and feed your remains to my Rottweiler." Chloe snapped spinning around on her heel and giving Lauren a deadly glare with a firey glint in her eyes.

"Um... please don't kill me for saying this but-" I attempted to intervene into the conversation before Chloe turned around to me and whipped out a knife.

"Shut up!" She shouted before she turned back to Lauren and pressed the knife to her throat.

Lauren yelped and jumped back.

"Are we done now Chloe?" She asked stifling a bit of laughter. Chloe laughed and looked around me, Shane, and Mike gave them all bewildered and horrified looks and when Chloe saw us she doubled over laughing.

"You guys-" she laughted even harder, "you guys, fell... for it!" She busted out laughing and Lauren started laughing even more too.

"I- I can't-" Lauren struggled to say through deep breaths, "you thought she would..." she breathed, "control... breath... okay I'm good now. You thought she was going to kill me!" Lauren busted out laughing again.

"This was a joke!?" I half yelled. "I'm gonna kill you guys..." I muttered.  Chloe finally stopped laughing and so did Lauren and they led us inside.

When we got in I gasped. "Whoa." Was all I could manage to say.

Hey guys I'm SO sorry that took so long to update! I'm a terrible person for doing that ik. But I'm also evil because I left you with a cliff hanger XD (sorry not so sorry jk) anyway shoutout to my best friend MissLolz100 read her books It Hurts Doesn't It and Third Time's a Charm I love them they're awesome. I'm gonna work on the update for Mr. Cher now. ;) I got like four new followers so it seems like the right
time. Okay anyway bye my lovelies ♡♥♡

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