Blast From the Freaking Past

22 1 3

Skylar's POV

The world was dark, I could hear gun -shots, and voices. But I couldn't process the words I was floating in a different reality. Hey idiot there's a person about to chop off your freaking head WAKE UP! A voice I hadn't heard in years yelled. My eyes snapped open and I threw up my leg nailing a man in the chest.

"Whoah Alice I thought you were knocked out!" A familiar voice said. I froze.

"Who are you? And how do you know that name?" I asked rooted to the spot.

"It's Hatter Alice, I came back for you." His soft voice spoke I looked up at him and tears flowed from my eyes a wave of anger and awe crashed over me.

"How did you get here and why didn't you freaking come sooner!?" I yelled. He gave me a troubled look.

"I couldn't come sooner we didn't know where you went or how to get here." He replied. I didn't know how to react other than punch him in the face. He was acting so cool about this, how could he be acting so calm!?  Chill woman this is you're long lost boyfriend remember?  I rolled my eyes. We never dated. Itook a deep breath and settled my eyes on him.

"Why did you come back for me?" When I asked that I could see the wave of hurt crash down on  him.

"I came for you." He replied in a soft voice.

"If you want me to go back I'm not going. I never want to see that agency again! Every time I think of the agency I can practically feel a dagger in my back from when Cher betrayed us." AJ gave me a small caring half smile. He crouched down and hugged me.

"Alice," he pulled away and held onto my shoulders,  "I'm not taking you back. The truth is I was sent back here too. I was working with Tanith or... Chloe to stop this guy. I've been trapped here all this time but, I didn't know you were here." He said lightly. I could see the tears waiting to break away and tumble down his cheeks. I was frozen, I didn't know what to say. He had been here the whole time... I started crying and I pressed my head into his chest.

"I missed you so much hot-shot." I cried. He laughed and kissed me on the head.

"I missed you too Alice."

Waves of memories that I had blocked away tumbled into my head, Cher killing Ghastly, the Queen of Hearts sending me to a new reality with no magic. I paused.

The voice. Problem sweet-heart?  It cooed. How could the voice be back if magic was dead in this world? Come on brainiack it's not that hard! Magic is bloody back! I gasped. AJ gave me a confused look.

"What's wrong?" He asked. My body shifted.

"I'm back." I said. My eyes swirled with black as I malevolently smiled at AJ. His eyes sparkled with eagerness and he clapped his hands together and watched as a flame grew.


Omg I didn't even expect that to happen when I started the chapter! Ha yeah magic slipped it's way into this world. You like? Honestly I felt like it had to happen. What do you think about AJ being back? Comment please I want to know XD. Do you think the coma was all that needed to happen for magic to come back? Do you think Alice (the voice) somehow found a  way to bring magic into the world? Also did ya miss this book? And omg Mr. Cher is over! D: how!? Okay well Comment what you think I want to know! Lol okay well goodbye my lovelies!
-Jackie ♡♥♡

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