"Today never comes before yesterday!" Lewis exclaimed. It was right at that moment that we saw another contestant enter the building. It was a honey blond guy that I've never talked with. The three of us looked at each other, silently agreeing to follow him.

The man moved fast, taking sharp turns and always looking back until finally entering the library. He moved to a bookshelf and took a book out before putting it back in. When he turned his back to face us we hid behind a bookshelf. He left and I breathed out loudly, glad that we didn't get caught.

"This is not cheating..... right?" Lewis tried to convince himself. "They never said we weren't allowed to follow people." I tried to reassure him. We went over to the place the man had just been and looked at the huge bookshelf. There were thousands of dictionaries and Encyclopedias.

Miles muttered to himself before looking us straight in the eye and explained to us confidently. "In the dictionary, T is before Y so the word today comes before yesterday." Lewis and I nodded in agreement and tried to reach for a dictionary. There was nothing inside. Miles pushed me aside and took another one out. The papers fell down and we picked them up. There were 10 left meaning the blond boy and another person were already ahead of us.

"Lets go before someone sees us," and with that, we left. "We've been at this for hours." Lewis complained. "My feet are killing me."

"Stop complaining, cry baby and open the damn note." Lewis did and screamed "Oh hell no!" I raised an eyebrow "I know the answer..."

"What is it?" I asked, the suspense was killing me

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"What is it?" I asked, the suspense was killing me. "A coffin," his eyes showed pure fear. "Are you afraid?" I asked him sympathetically. "I'm afraid of dead people." At that moment, Miles burst out laughing, I soon followed.

I know that it was mean but it was hilarious. A guy who wanted to literally be a 'king's champion' which most definitely involves killing which means dead people.

"Come on, let's go, I can hold your hand." I was mocking him but I noticed that he didn't like it so I quickly stopped.

We walked over to the place but the graveyard was dark, foggy and cold. Such a big contrast compared to the bright and loving castle and gardens. The normally chirping birds had disappeared and the fresh smell was replaced with a repulsive and rotten smell. It was hard to think that the graveyard was so close to it.

My steps were slow and precise, I didn't want to admit it to the two boys, practically shaking next to me but the setting quickened my pulse and I might have been a bit scared.

A heard a loud noise and we screamed in unison. Two pairs of laughter were hurting my eardrums. Laughter echoed in my ear and I turned to find the blond guy laughing hysterically with Lord Zingus. "Third, fourth and fifth," the man counted.

Behind him was a huge board, 'Winners' was written in gold colors upon a green board. A type of sign up sheet was glued on top of it. First place was Zeke Gyres and second was obviously Zingus, I learnt his name was Ronnie which surprised me. Miles put himself third, he deserved it since he did all the work. Lewis let me be fourth and he put himself fifth.

"Let's hide and scare the next contestant." Zeke's energy and never ending smile was contagious. We all smiled and agreed, Zingus claimed it was only to see the others wet their pants.

We all hid behind a different tree, people arrived one after the other but only one of them wet their pants, he was pushing sixty and I felt bad afterwards.

After another couple of hours passed and two contestants never made it, questions were asked but the Queen and second born son refused to answer all of them. They informed us we were all qualified for the challenge next week and that two people were disqualified.

The queen looked pale, a wrinkle that wasn't there before was showing and her usually impeccable dress was ruffled and there were smudges of dirt all over. She was quiet but still put together. Her son did most of the talking. He was in a bad mood too with eye bags.

My mind instantly went to the wavy haired boy who always seemed to invade my thoughts. Was it a family problem? Was he hurt?

Suddenly, a wave of uneasiness flooded over me but it went away just as quickly as it came. People left but my two favorite contestants and I planned to stay after time but Zeke stayed too.

"So here's the deal, I don't like anyone here but you three have a nice vibe so we're friends." He confidently stated, Miles smiled and shook his hand. Welcoming him. I smiled, he had said the word friends. I had buddies and pals but other than Sebastian, I considered no one else a friend and even he was more like a brother than anything.

I also thought about Cami, even with her being so strict she also felt like a friend. I was getting too comfortable here but didn't really care and the thought made me happy. One of the boys tapped my shoulder. "Sorry, zoned out for a second, what were we talking about?"

"My chocolate addiction and the fact that today's challenge took 18 hours. I'm so tired, it's almost morning." Zeke explained.

I looked up at the colorful masterpiece. We didn't bother going to bed and instead learnt more about everyone, I had to lie a lot but added some true facts like the time I broke my arm sitting on a couch which they all laughed at. I learnt that Zeke didn't actually want to compete and only did it to get his fathers inheritance for his two year old son who refused to give it to him if he wasn't in the top five.


The room was shaking, echoing with loud noises. I opened my eyes and saw a tall shadow of a muscular man. He was carrying me up a staircase, I couldn't see his face but caught a glimpse of shoulder length dirty blonde hair and knew it was Ronnie Zingus. I thought he was kidnapping me but instead put me on my bed and covered me in a pink blanket.

Did the world's biggest jackass actually have feelings, did he feel bad? Even after knowing him only for a short time I knew that it wasn't it. He didn't have feelings. He kissed my forehead and left.

I decided that I would never mention Ronnie's behavior to anyone but it surprised me, this was Lord Dingus we are talking about.

Time had passed but a loud 'Hey friend' resonated around the room. Aspen saw me sleeping and literally screamed "It's noon, WAKE UP!!!" I chuckled and told him about the 18 hour long challenge, he apologised but stayed and worked on the small white desk while watching me sleep.

2 weeks and 5 new friends, I was joyful even though everyone of these friendships was based on lies with the exception of Aspen.

Friends... I had a grin plastered on my face from ear to ear.


Good Morning!
What do you think the Queen is acting weird?
What about Ronnie Zingus?
What do you want to happen next?

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