He saw that Li WangJin wasn't looking very well and that he looked like he could just pass out any minute. Not wanting to take the blame, he told Li WangJin everything that he knew. Everybody in their circle had already heard about it, which was why he assumed that Li WangJin knew about it as well.

"Sun Mei even said that she was the one who gave the video to your ex-wife. Nobody knew how she got hold of it in the first place."

Li WangJin's face was twisted. If only Sun Mei was in front of him right now, he would most certainly jump and beat her up. He has never had any respect for Sun Mei. She was narrow-minded and a sh*t-stirrer. He never thought that she would be the one who ruined him.

Had he known, he would never have offended her in the first place

There had been too many little things going on lately that had taken away all of his attention, which was why he had no idea about this at all. Under normal circumstances, not very many people would have said it out loud in front of him like this Boss Zhang just did.

Chapter 68 - She didn't exactly want to see Wang Xiao getting away scot-free either; it's best to let the two of them duke it out (2)

When he arrived at the hospital, Li WangJin was still dazed and focused on thinking about how to salvage his reputation. He was startled from those thoughts when he saw Wang SiXian's face that was now destroyed by strong acid.

Her face was ferocious like that of a beast who was waving its claws and baring its fangs at him. That image was burned into his brain.

He quickly looked away and couldn't look at Wang SiXian, who was still unconscious, any more. He asked Jiang YaGe in a low voice, "What happened to your aunt? Why would someone splash her with acid for no reason?"

Jiang YaGe had been crying for a while now. Sobbing, she recounted the incident at the parking garage to him. Looking at Li WangJin through her teary eyes, she said, "Dad, Aunty has been away from this country for dozens of years. Why would this happen to her right after she had returned?

"Was someone targeting us intentionally? But we have always been so nice to anyone and never made any enemies." As though she had thought of something, she said. "Unless it was Mom... No, that can't be. I trust that she isn't that kind of a person." Jiang YaGe immediately tried to save herself. Except her look didn't reflect what she had said. It was obvious that she was suspicious of Fang JunRong.

Li WangJin knew very well in his mind. He shook his head. "It won't be JunRong. She's prideful and would never do such a thing. She wouldn't stoop that low."

He did, after all, know his ex-wife quite well. He suspected that the one who splashed Wang SiXian with acid was the same person as the one who had been causing him trouble lately. The thought of someone hiding in the dark trying to hurt him made his hair stand up.

Li WangJin stayed for a bit at the hospital. According to the doctor, Wang SiXian's injury was not life-threatening. But the damage to her skin reached 5% and was relatively deep. Even after a few surgeries, she would not recover 100% and that damage to her look was inevitable.

Thinking about what the face that once resembled Wang SiEr looked like after the accident, Li WangJin felt that it was like bugs crawling all over a beautiful flower. His stomach roiled, and his mood was bad. He could only ask the doctor to do everything within his ability to treat Wang SiXian, regardless of cost.

After a period of time, Wang SiXian finally woke up and cried when she saw her appearance in the mirror.

Grabbing onto Li WangJin's hand, she could no longer retain her usual tenderness. Screaming at the top of her lungs, she said, "WangJin, help me! I don't want to live with this appearance!"

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