"Have you talked to Sapnap or Karl recently? Or maybe even George?"

He shrugged, and his mouth twitched, his face flickering into an expression I couldn't catch. "They're too busy with their own stuff." He quickly straightened up, moving past me and to the front door. "Come on, I've got a carriage out here."

I didn't press for any more conversation. He seemed irritated after I had mentioned his friends, and I wasn't going to push him over the edge; I didn't need him twisting the deal we had made yet again.

Quackity was strictly focused on getting all the TNT loaded into the cart in a timely manner. So much so that he began moving armfuls of it as well. I debated telling him that Wilbur had returned, but that discussion would probably lead to Dream, and I wasn't sure how he would react to that.

After multiple back and forth trips, I turned to Quacktiy once I set down the last bit of TNT into the cart, pushing the ones that started to roll towards the edge back against the others.

"You're using this tonight, aren't you?"

He lifted the wooden tailgate, slamming it closed and giving it a shake to make sure it was firmly latched. He gave me a sideways glance. "Yeah? What about it?"

I shrugged. "Just—curious. I've heard that blowing up stuff doesn't seem to fix things here."

He titled his head, a smug smile touching the corners of his lips. "Well this time, I'll be fixing something."

I folded my arms, a sarcastic note filling my voice. "I don't know about you, but I believe TNT does the opposite."

He climbed up onto the seat of the cart. "I'm blowing up the Egg. It's been getting on my nerves." He replied casually.

My brows perked up. I heard someone had tried using TNT on the Egg before, and the explosion had yielded no results. But this much TNT...I doubted anyone had tried something as big before. Surely three stacks of explosives would be enough to damage the Egg. And Quackity wasn't the only one wanting to see the crimson vines gone. It would be satisfying to see the Egg gone for good.

"Well in that case..." I hoisted myself up onto the seat beside him. "I'm coming with you."

He looked offended, but the expression quickly melted into irritation. He tried pushing me off. "No no no. This is what I'm doing."

I swiped his hand away. "Quackity, you can't just go in there alone. Besides, I've been working on this TNT for days, I might as well see them through."

He stopped and leaned back slightly, studying me with narrowed eyes. "You really want to help me?"

"If there's a chance for the Egg to be destroyed, then yes."

He stared at me for a moment more before throwing his hands up as he faced forward and grabbed the reins. "Fine, fine. But If you get killed, it's not on me."


"All right," Quackity announced, lifting the pickaxe in his hand. "The Egg should be through this wall."

I gave the gray cave wall a skeptical look. After quickly grabbing my sword, we had transported the TNT along the Prime path until we passed Punz's castle, leading the cart off the path and across the grass. We only stopped until we came across the small entrance to a cave. It descended into a passageway that was lit by flickering torches. I assumed Quackity had scouted it out earlier, and placed the torches along the way. He must have been planning this for a while, especially since he was so confident that the end of the cave sidled up to the cavern the Egg resided in.

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