Chapter 4- Working with the Enemy

Start from the beginning

Soon enough, a teacher came, breaking up the remenance of the fight and sent Tyler to the nurse's. Jason, Sammie and I walked away, but it wasn't finished.

Tyler's came right behind us and yanked me back by my hair. Throwing me to the floor and hit my square in the cheekbone.

Sammie slid to ground, checking on me. My eye lids were heavy but through the blurring vision, I watched Jason and Tyler starting to go at it.

The last thing I remembered was Sammie assisting to clean both me and Jason up, leaving for the day.

"Jesus Christ, Jay, your lip it looks rough." I said.

"We both look rough... little psycho." He commented.

After sharing a glance with him, I looked back in the bathroom mirror and Sammie's, noticing the maybe bruises already formed on my face.

-Present Day-

"Are you sure you don't wanna go out with us. You can get a free drink Tay?" Nile, a solider, and my bunk mate asked me. I layed on my bed, declining his offer, because tonight I had to meet Robin again.

Every Friday, I'd meet him with any additional intelligence I have. So I made my way after everyone was gone, to put my shoes on and sneak over to the three trees we met at before.

On my way, I noticed Seargent Rudd, peaking through corners and lurking suspiciously. I pulled out my phone and snap a few pictures to add on evidence for Robin.

Leaning against the hard dark oak tree, I waited for him.

"So..." A muffled thud from the sand, fell right in front of me. Gasping, "Jesus. You scared me."

"That's your next mission. Sleath." I glared at him, with a disappointed look. "I'm kidding. So, what do you have?"

I pulled out a folded piece of paper. "This has all the names of the people in my unit. The two who work above me on the grounds, routines, and any shipments I've noticed this week." Handing it to him.

"Not bad. At least we can indicate it's in your unit." I grabbed my phone out too, showing Robin the photos I took only an hour ago. "There's also this."

"Where's this?" He pointed.

"Communications tower, west of our main bunker." Stating.

Robin slipped the note in his pocket. "Ok, thank you for your help Taylor. Let's hope this ends soon." He says before grappling away.

Spreading false hope everytime.

I couldn't help but think all this was for nothing.

- Next Friday-

"Hang on, I forgot my phone." I called at the boys, which went in the lunch bunker. Jogging back to my bed to grab my phone.

I got it from under my pillow and jerked up. "No! Our shipments keep getting delayed or stolen! It's pissing me off." Rudd shouted on the phone.

I huddled myself in the corner to listen but still hidden. Once crouched down, I pulled out the camera in my phone. Beginning to record the conversation.

"It is my problem when people are growing suspicions on my responsibilities here. Even the Captain doesn't believe I'm only a Seargent." He paces back and forth.

"We were supposed to start experiments last week. But due to the damn delay, we have no supplies." He complains.

"Well, figure it out!" He hung up and stomped off in the other direction.

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