"Well... Thank you, really. I know we all appreciate everyone's help, but if anything were to happen to you, then--"

"It's all good, Avalon! We're a pretty tough group! We've got your backs, so don't worry about us," Brody quickly cut me off, smiling. I smiled back at him and looked at Asher, who reached out and touched the back of my head, scratching it a bit which had me shivering.

We're going to be okay...

After Brody and them got their camera equipment and we got dressed, we all headed out for the hike back to Dreader's Asylum. On the way, Brody was filming us with his cool camera, while some of the others were using their phone. It seemed like we had brought a bit of our happy mood back, now that we all felt a bit safer in a larger group. We were chatting amongst each other and trying to keep things a bit light as we made our trek up the mountain; if we talked about how terrifying things were, we'd only be freaking ourselves out more.

I could see Alice up ahead, holding her phone out and pointing it at her and Brody, who was still using his nice camera to film everyone. He noticed she was filming him and smiled big, leaning in towards her to give her a kiss on the cheek, which had her giggling. I couldn't help but smile at the two of them; they looked so cute together.

Taylor took out his phone and pointed it at Heidi, smiling. "Say cheese," he said, as he began taking a video of her. Heidi looked at him and her eyes widened, cheeks burning a dark red as she immediately covered her face and pouted. "Heyyy, you know I don't like the camera," she mumbled. "Why not? You're beautiful," Taylor admired, chuckling a little. Heidi froze a bit and peeked through her fingers. "Really..?" She asked quietly. Taylor's eyes widened and he blushed once he realized what he had said, immediately stopping the video and clearing his throat awkwardly. "Duh," he grumbled.

"How can you guys act all positive and romantic right now?" Cassidy snapped, glaring at them. Honestly, I was actually happy everyone was trying to go back to how they usually acted. Like our group always does, we try our best to stay positive and make light of a dark situation. It's the only thing we really can do right now. Be ourselves and and keep positive; believe we can get out okay. I'd rather go home traumatized than die out here.

"We gotta keep the light when it's dark, baby," Leo chimed in, filming himself on snapchat with a cute filter, sticking his tongue out. Cassidy just rolled her eyes as Leo pointed the camera at him and Mason. "Gimme kiss, teacher man," he said. Mason glared at him and raised a brow, causing Leo to look up at him and pout. "Please?" He cooed softly. Mason smiled and shook his head, knowing he couldn't resist Leo as he gave in, leaning down and pressing a sweet kiss to Leo's lips. Leo smiled when they pulled away and did a peace sign at the camera. "He's mine, ladies," he said, sticking his tongue out and ending the video, making up a caption for it. "Better put that on a private story," Mason warned. Leo looked at him and snorted, grinning with amusement. "Well, duh. It's on my 'sneaky boy' private story. Only people I trust have it," he replied.

"You know you could give me a little warning whenever you post on that snap. I get a little shook whenever I see you and Mason shirtless in bed, or your sexy, nsfw posts with him, smoking some weed. Give me a warning beforehand, so I know a bulge is about to fucking appear on my Snap," Taylor joked, laughing with a slight blush on his face. "Don't forget the pics of spank markings on Leo's ass cheek," Asher added with a grin. Mason was now blushing like crazy and hiding his face, embarrassed that we've basically seen a little bit of their sex life. Taylor snapped his fingers and pointed on Asher, nodding his head. "Oh yeah, can't forget that. Or the ones where Leo is practically grinding on top of Mason in lingerie--"

"We get it! We get it," Mason interjected Taylor, eyes wide as he covered his ears. Brody and his friends couldn't help but snicker at our little conversation, giving us all amused looks. I bet they probably regret coming along with us now; we're definitely a handful to be with. Leo just busted out laughing, shaking his head. "My bad, man! I totally forget you're on that Snap story sometimes. I only keep you on there 'cause I post about all of us doing sneaky and illegal shit," he stated. Taylor just waved him off. "I know, I know. I just gotta get used to maybe seeing an erection on your snap story every now and then," he joked. "The pictures at least look good, though, right?" Leo beamed, looking at Taylor with a big smile. Taylor hummed, shrugging a bit and weighing his head side to side in thought. "I mean, it doesn't turn me on, but I admire the confidence. Though I recommend making a separate "spicy" private story of you and Mason, one that I don't need to be included on. Just to protect my innocent eyes," he suggested, chuckling a bit.

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