Chapter 5 The Persephone Soldier

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AN: Persephone literally means, I shit you not, "Harbinger of doom". I am not kidding. Tell me there is no better title for the Doom slayer.

         It was a man. A single solitary man. Wearing what Diana could only assume was some kind of "modern battle armor". But unlike anything Diana had seen before. And she had seen some interesting variations of armor that had been "modernized" as they always called it. ARGUS, Deathstroke, the (now defunct) Human Defense Corp, Checkmate, Nikos Aegeus, Prometheus, Wrath and Scorn, Zod, Intergang, even Batman, where just a few examples that came to Diana's mind. But it didn't do the man's armor justice. If anything, it was more like they had all looked upon this armor and had, in vain, tried to mimic or upstage it. It was green with mixes of tan grey and even some black. On the left arm was some sort of retracted blade, and on the left shoulder was some sort of cannon. Not only all that, but the man was also absolutely massive. Diana predicted, that if the armor is shaped of ever his true form than he may be larger than both batman and superman. This made Diana wonder who exactly this man was. Where he got his armor from. And most of all just How he got on the island. But her thoughts were cut short by loud screaming.


The priest screamed, doing a bad job at hiding the fact he was clearly terrified beyond belief. At those word all the demons turned the attention away from the Amazons and collective charged at the armored man upon the other side of the ruins. Before either Wonder Woman or anyone else could even move, the Armored man drew one of the largest guns Diana had ever seen, and she had seen some massive guns.

"That is one big F-ing gun" she said, channeling her inner Flash who would have likely called it that had he gazed upon it. This massive weapon was easily in her top 10, maybe even top 5 biggest guns she's ever seen.

He aimed the gun at the oncoming horde, and it began to powerup. The "big F-ing gun", as Wonder Woman referred to it, fired a massive green blast that annihilated the entire horde of demons. Only he, Wonder Woman, the Amazons, and hell priest Nilox remained.  The armored man then, somehow made the massive "F you" gun disappear and in his left hand drew something out. It the suddenly created a strong sword blade. It was red hologram and loosely in the shape of a capitol T with 3 small spikes near the bottom the blade on each side. The Amazons certainly knew a thing or two and seen a thing or two about unorthodox weapon deigns. This thing, however, was taking the wine for the most unorthodox and strange (though Wonder woman was less fazed by the hologram part due to being exposed to similar weaponry before). Then the armored man leapt into the air off the ruins. Jumping against while in the air still thanks to small rockets built into the armor's legs. It was a move that Wonder Woman knew very well, the double jump. ash she ad uses her flying to double jump many times. Out of necessity and fun. The solider finished his double jump by landing hard onto the ground. Right in front of the Hell priest Deag Nilox.

        Towering of the hell priest, He grabbed him thy the neck and lifted him off the ground.
"My soul remains guarded..." the so-called priest stated, struggling with the man. "You can't..." as he spoke the armored man sheathed the sword and held up some sort of silver coin that glowed blue before vanishing into thin air. Seeing the coin Nilox begin to show further signs of strangle as well as panic and was proceeded to be choked in the man's grasp. The man the proceed to squeeze tighter and tighter on Niloxs' neck until he exploded in a squall of gore, his body falling lifeless to the ground.

         But his head was gone.

That was when man held it is right arm revealing the priests' severed head in it. Looking at the head he adjusted the crown to look proper before tossing in onto the decapitated body.

All this and he didn't even utter a single word.

Like her sisters, Diana could only look on with stunned silence in awe of the specimen of death that stood before them. Hundreds of Amazons have died. All of them giving their absolute best in fighting the demons. Pushing themselves to their absolute limits and beyond. And yet here was this on man who whipped out a small horde and the leader without so much a breaking a sweat. As if this was as simple as riding a horse. As if it wasn't as taxing as battling Doomsday. As if it was slaughtering unholy demon hordes just a routine part of daily life. 

"How could this be?" Hyppolita, the 5-thousand-year-old queen of a society of all female warriors, asked herself. The Amazons, and Thalarions too for that matter, may be born and bred for warfare, but NOBODY, barring a god or demigod, could just wipe out a horde of abominations with such ease. Yet this warrior just demonstrated such an act. The Amazon Queen was old, skilled, and experienced enough to know entire mortal lifetimes worth of skill and tactical prowess when she saw it. But it didn't make sense in the context of this situation at all.  No one just fights demons, undead creatures, zombies, and the like as if it's just another causal day. It just not possible for a mere man, let alone mortal, to do with such efficacy while also being a relatively younger mortal. As exceptional as this warrior seems to be on the surface, it just wasn't a possibly to her. "What kind a being stands before me and my kin?" she thought.

        As the man turned his head to face the warriors he had just saved, Diana found herself thinking out loud what was going through every amazon's head at that very moment...

"Who or What the fuck are you?"

Diana said, not realizing until now she had just said those words out loud.

"I believe we can answer that." A familiar voice from where he originally appeared said.


        He's finally here. The Doom Slayer has made his entrance. And I'll be the first to say that it took way too damn long to do so. 

The idea always was to slowly build up to his introduction, but I Never, repeat, NEVER intended to take this long in doing so.

Hopefully by the end of the year I can get at least the next chapter and at most enough chapter the point where I have Doom Slayer and Wonder Woman take one of the bosses from the games together. Which is to say a few chapters. 

        I will try. My memory is bad (meaning I can, for instance, just forget about this story completely), I also suffer for severe writer's block, and my ADD makes concentration hard.

That and life has thrown a lot of madness my way as of late, the pandemic came, school and work have been brutal, and my computer crashed, and I lost everything Wattpad related forever and had to complexly rewrite some stuff, including most of this story. And I only just now got back to where I was in this story when it all got lost (If you're wondering, is chapter 6, when Wonder Woman and the Doom Slayer setting off to find the other hell priests), which as of today, took a year and a half to do. All the notes and details I made of the following chapters are gone, and I still need to figure what the story was after Diana and Doomguy team up. 

Given how long it took to rewrite chapter 2-5 and the fact that I have several other stories I need to rewrite so they can continue, my optimism of this story Properly ending anytime soon and my other stories picking back up is very low. The fact this story became infinitely more popular than I ever expected it to be... in fact, last time I checked it my most popular story... and the subsequent pressure of that popularity and attention is not doing me any favors in the slightest either. Though hopefully it will go a lot faster now that this are finally calm in my life.   

This is the first time is in a long time I were thigs are calm and I have been able to sit down and write stories without having to be interrupted with something else and forget about my stories entirely.

I sincerely hope that you all understand and that you don't get too uppity at me when the adding of new chapters stop for painfully long periods of time inevitably happens. 

        I also combined the elements of Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal praetor armors. This is due to the fact that I am combining Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal together.  

Dec 1, 2021. 

6:00pm central time. 

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