I looked at him from the rearview mirror, smiling a little. He's so adorable, I swear. While looking up in the rearview mirror, I scowled when I saw Cassidy lean against Asher and grab his face, turning it towards her. "I'll keep you company, babyy," she spoke, biting her bottom lip. Asher immediately gave her a weird look and pushed her away. "Back away wench! I do not wish to be horny with you!" He cried, glaring at her and then hiccuping. Cassidy stared with confusion. "I can give you something better than Avalon can, you know?" She drawled out seductively, getting even closer to Asher and licking her lips.

God, these dumbasses are drunk as hell. "You're gonna make me puke!" Asher whined, shoving her away. "F-Uck, Cass... Calm down, you whore," Taylor grumbled sleepily. "Please leave my boyfriend alone, Cassidy," I sighed, exasperated as I looked at her from the rearview mirror. Suddenly everyone's eyes widened, even Asher's. Not Heidi's, though, since she was still passed out. But she was slowly waking up and looking around, confused. "We home yet..?" She mumbled tiredly, pushing her hands up under his glasses so she could rub her eyes. "W-Whoa, whoa! S-ince when were you... thing-- Guys a thing?" Charlie slurred, letting out a really gross and loud burp. "He s-said the beeee word! B, b, b worrrddd-- Boyfriend! I'm the boyf! Th-ATS me!" Asher cheered happily, throwing his arms in the air and whooping. This whole group acts like complete children when they're drunk. "You guys are drunk, just settle down and we'll talk when you all sober up," I said, shaking my head and leaving Kathy's driveway.

We finally made it back to the cabin, everyone slowly tumbling out of the car only for both Asher and Charlie to face plant into the snow, laughing like idiots. I couldn't help but laugh at them as I made my way to the front door and unlocked it, stepping aside to make sure all the drunkards got in okay and didn't pass out on the front porch. "Man, I really needed that party," Taylor spoke, sighing happily and stumbling a bit as we all walked inside, heading towards the living room. Suddenly he froze in place, his eyes widening. "No fucking way..." He muttered. "What is it?" Charlie asked, stumbling over to him, constantly losing her balance only to freeze when she got up to Taylor and looked at what he was looking at. "Fuck..." She cursed under her breath.

We all made our way towards them to see what they were looking at, and when I saw what was lying there on the coffee table, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. "That's not possible..." I whispered in shock. "Suddenly... I'm all sobered up. B-But I think I'm about to puke," Asher mumbled, his eyes wide as he hiccupped once more and clutched at his stomach.

That was the same for everyone. They all sobered up, but each one of them felt like they were about to spew out all the contents within their stomach.

On the coffee table laid the ouija board Asher had broken and thrown in the fire... Only it was back in one piece; no cracks in it from it being broken, and no burn marks from being thrown in the fire. Pretty much everyone had immediately sobered up at that point and were now filled with fear and dread. "I feel sick," Heidi mewled, covering up her mouth. "No, no! Asher fucking broke it and threw it into the fire-- That is NOT possible!" Mollie exclaimed, hugging herself in fear.

"Shit.. Shit, what do we do?" Leo asked, rubbing his forehead as he started pacing back and forth. "It had to have followed us here," Mason mumbled, knuckle between his teeth as the shock settled in, mind racing. "No... What if it was already here?" I implied, brows furrowed as I stared at the ouija board. Everyone looked at me wide eyed, faces gone completely pale. "W-What do you mean?" Leo stammered, bringing his fingers up to bite on his nails as he shifted uncomfortably. "Think about it... Taylor found the ouija board in the basement here, and when we first played it here, we talked to a little girl named Emma. Something had to have already been in this cabin and... Going to the mental hospital and playing with it just made things worse. Maybe we brought more in. I-I don't know, but something has followed us. We should have never played with that ouija board," I expressed, frowning at all of them. "I'm even starting to regret playing with it now, but... Maybe we can figure out what it wants and make it go away or something? Brody and his friends said they had a psychic friend, and they offered to help us. It's fucking impossible that the ouija board appeared in perfect fucking condition... I don't want to continue waiting around to see what will happen, after everything that we've been through already. They'll know what to do," Taylor spoke.

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