Chapter Twenty Eight

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-New York, 2025.

Trixie's stay was in fact longer than two weeks. 

She called old friends, family, new friends, she called anyone she could think of. Trixie stood watching the city from the balcony remembering the first two weeks in the city. Going partying with Bob and Katya, late nights with Katya, talking about her on the phone with Kim endlessly. Trying to find a job, and failing a few times. Trixie started feeling alive again. Trixie realized she was living the life her little scared self wished of. Even after the rough patches, the stupid arguments with Katya, the insults from her 44th stepfather, Trixie found that all of that was worth it. Trixie learned to work through it, but it wasn't alone. Trixie swears she could see something light up over Katya's head when Trixie kept asking her where she could work. 

"Trixie, I have an idea. You tell me if you are on board or not, but I personally think it's great."

"You say that about all your ideas."

"Shut up!" Katya stomped and laughed, "This is actually a good one!"

That's how Trixie started working for "Democracy Now!". It all started as a weather woman, which Trixie didn't find interesting in the least. That's why she proposed writing articles, for people to read, and write sections about singers and music that can air on TV.  To her surprise, the articles started getting popular, from the sarcastic jokes, original critiques, and hot takes Trixie would splatter over them. She liked to think she was somehow important for having more than twenty thousand followers on most social media. The growth on Instagram made an idea come to mind, Trixie started posting little covers, one-minute versions from songs she loved. 

With Katya's help, they rented a studio. Red Side Of The Moon became the first single by Trixie Mattel. Trixie was more than happy to finally have it on tape, with great production and quality. Quickly enough, the listeners' number grew and Trixie got more motivated to keep on writing music. They had to wait till the studio was free again, so in their free time, Katya and Trixie decided to make a music video for Red Side Of The Moon. This was the first original time Katya got to direct and film something people would watch and appreciate. The music video was done in a matter of weeks, Katya edited the final touches. Trixie started hinting at the idea of a video coming out soon in her Instagram stories and even at the end of her articles.

"I'm so happy," Katya said with a glass of soda in her hand. "It's looking so bright for you Barbie"

"I'm happy we are doing this together." Trixie grabbed Katya's hand, rubbing her knuckles. "This wouldn't be possible without you."

"I love being a part of this, I love getting to be a part of your future."

"Katya, you were a part of my future since we danced at that shitty party," Trixie said before her lips met with Katya's.

Whatever Katya and she started being the first three weeks of her stay, it worked. They started going on dates, walking around, getting lunch together. And even got to help each other with their hopes and dreams. Trixie tried to keep a pace, to do it slowly. She knew that sooner or later she would move in with Katya, but she wanted the whole experience. And a part of her didn't wanna make it that easy for Katya. Soon enough, Trixie realized that it's harder to keep a good, calm relationship with someone when you live with them. Trixie was organized, she needed order in her life for it to work, and Katya, didn't. Katya had nights out that Trixie wasn't invited to yet and when they got too frequent Trixie would complain, and the arguments would start.

"Wow look at you, late again." Trixie sat on the couch looking at the TV, clearly upset.

"Trixie go to sleep." Katya left her things on a chair. "You have to work tomorrow."

"When is it my time to go out with you?" Trixie turned to Katya. "Will you stop being a coward and present me to your friends as your girlfriend so you can take me out?"

"You know how I feel about mixing job with relationships Trixie, it ruins everything." Katya massaged her temples. "See? you want to mix them and suddenly we are arguing."

"You know it's not about that Katya," Trixie revealed the glass of wine in her hand. "You can ignore me in the 8 hours of work we have for all I care for. But please, please don't be a dick and act like I'm nothing to you in front of your friends." Katya arched her brow to the empty bottle of wine and the one that had half the bottle left.

"Listen, you're right Trixie. I will do that. But you have to stop drinking."

"What?" Trixie seemed deeply offended.

"Let's go to sleep baby, we'll talk tomorrow when you're sober." Katya approached Trixie and took the glass from Trixie's hand, kissed her cheek, and took her to their bedroom.

Another thing that changed was Trixie's sobriety. After endless fights, some ending up in Trixie sleeping on the couch, Trixie decided to go sober. Katya would talk her through it, explain to her how better it could make her life, especially now that she was getting more into singing. Trixie knew her drinking got out of control from time to time, but this time it affected someone else. That someone else is Katya, and Trixie couldn't bare the possibility of being responsible if Katya relapsed. Trixie went sober for herself second and Katya first.

Trixie breathed in, closing her eyes, feeling the wind on her face. She felt a pair of arms surround her waist, the pointer finger tracing little circles on her belly. Trixie smiled and laid her head back, kissing Katya. She remembered back to that night, Trixie's birthday. They already had spent the day together with friends, and then Katya told Trixie about the dinner she planned for them. It was in a private setting in a restaurant, orange, yellow, and red dim lights surrounding them. Sushi was served on the table, rare ones, and normal ones. Trixie tried all of them.

"This is the best birthday better." Trixie smiled at the place around them. "You really spoiled me this time."

"I just wanted to make you feel like I see you." Katya looked at Trixie fondly. "Special." Katya grinned and rubbed Trixie's tight under the table.

"And that's why I have one gift left." Katya's face lit up in excitement. "From the moment I saw you in that classroom, with your pink books and pink clothes you caught my attention." Katya grabbed Trixie's hand. "After getting to meet you, little by little, even after rough times, you caught my heart, Trixie." Katya stood up, reaching in her pocket. "That's why," Katya kneeled down on one leg, Trixie covered her face in shock. "I wanted to ask you," Katya opened the box. "To marry me." Trixie felt tears of joy forming in her eye as Katya revealed the silver ring with a heart-shaped diamond.

"Yes, of course, I will Katya." Trixie hugged Katya and kissed her all over her face before letting her put the ring on her finger.

A week after, Trixie called everyone she knew to tell them about it. She couldn't shut up about it. Kim and Bob teased her, how she would toss her hand to show off her beautiful ring. Trixie looked at her ring on the hand that was holding Katya's jaw. Trixie wondered what she did to deserve someone so pure.

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