Chapter eleven.

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Author's note (PLEASE READ): This chapter includes, talking about rape and fighting. Giving chapter two days in a row because I'm feeling generous. Also if you wanna see some Katya edits follow my tiktok account. @zamo_suka. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

-Boston, 2009.

Katya prepared her stuff to go back to her house, emotionally drained but without carrying the secret around while Trixie was around. She got into Violet's car.

"I'm sorry Kat" Violet took a fast glance at Katya while starting the car. "I didn't know he would be here"

"It's okay Violet it's not your fault" She rubbed Violet's hand shortly. "I just wasn't prepared for it, none of that was your fault"

"I still feel guilty" She licked her lips. "very guilty"


"I should've done something, I gave you the drugs it was my fault" She started breaking a bit. "And then I didn't even say anything even tho I knew what happened" a tear with an emotionless facial expression went down Violet's face. "I'm a terrible terrible friend Katya"

"You weren't the one raping me," Katya stated. "We always did drugs, my brother was the one providing, it's all his fault" Katya's voice sounded angry at the mention of her brother. "He was the one holding a knife to your fucking neck. So stop feeling guilty for something you did not fault in"

The rest of the ride to Katya's house was silent. Both of them thinking the words through, letting them sink in. Katya's dad was working, so Katya had the house all to herself. She said goodbye to Violet and laid on her bed and checked her phone.


Hey! Text me if you need anything, I'll be home.

This was one of the plenty of reasons Katya didn't like telling people about it. They started treating her differently, asking her if she was okay all the time, Katya hated that, she hated vulnerability. But Trixie isn't like that, nothing like people that Katya used to befriend. Trixie would care for her but still treat her the same. She didn't seem like the kind to walk on eggshells for another person.


I will don't worry. <3

And with that Katya left her phone beside her bed. So much shit happened that she didn't even have the time to process that she had sex with Trixie. What were they now? If they were something is that too fast? What if Katya fucked up? What if she gets heartbroken? Katya sat up holding her head as if she would stop the running thoughts.

Her biggest fear was her family, either ending up like her parents or them finding out about anything. She would be grounded for a whole year and not able to hang out with any friend of hers. Katya stood up and reached for her purse, digging in for her cigarettes. She felt a little rectangular box and pulled it out. It wasn't the ones she always got, these were the Marlboro fusion. They had a little post-it note on the back "These smell better котенок. from your favorite doll, to the Russian sex symbol". Katya laughed, finding it cute that Trixie spent the time to search the translation of kitten to Russian.

She took one out of the package and her lighter. When she inhaled she felt the delicious flavor of the smoke coming into and out her lungs. She liked them, she'll get used to them. Katya grabbed her phone again, opening her chats and pressing on the most recent one.


Thank you for the cigs, delicious ;)


You're welcome, I don't want that smoker's breath when I kiss you.


Shut up you love it


I do

Katya closed the chat. They were something, so fast? But she likes Trixie, but she shouldn't. What if her dad sends her to conversion therapy for 6 years and when she comes back she's gonna be a full-time nun. Katya knew that most of the possibilities were absurd and not realistic but it scared her nonetheless. She can't just text Trixie that they can't be a thing because Katya is a pussy. She can't break the character that doesn't give a fuck. Plus, how would Trixie react to a message like that, it's not like they can just stop liking each other. She leaves her phone on her bed and finished her cigarette. The sound of the front door being open took Katya out of her thoughts. She heard the sound of plastic bags and glass bottles hitting against each other.

"I'm home! Мама is here!" Her dad yelled from downstairs.

"Going!" Katya said grabbing her phone and heading downstairs.

"Hi, my малышка!" Her mother hugged her tightly, Katya's arm on the side of her body.

"Hi Мама" Katya sat down on the couch.

"So how is school going!" Her mother said while putting away some of the groceries she bought.

"Good, hard but good." Katya turned around facing her mom. "This girl gives me her notes and I study from them." This girl Katya scoffed.

"Oh! who is it?" Katya froze for a minute.

"Uhh, I don't know her name" Katya started playing with her fingers. 

"You could bring her home sometimes" Her mother started cooking.

"We're not friends mom" At least it's not a lie. Katya hides a smile.

"Oh, Аня I forgot to tell you" Katya's father came into the kitchen with a beer. "There's this new girl" Katya mentally flipped off her father. "She's лесбиянка, blond and curvy. Poor boys drooling over her" At least he didn't say dyke this time.

"I didn't know the school let people like that in" Her mother's tone changed. "екатерина I better not see you hanging out with her" Her mother looked at her in the eyes. "We don't do that, we don't like people like that here."

"Why are you talking to me like I'm 2 years old," Katya said annoyed

"Well in the past we talked to you like a grown-up and you didn't listen." Her mother stated.

"Are you two even listening to yourselves right now?" Katya said and her parents looked at her with confused faces. "You know what? forget it. Fucking идиоты" Katya threw the insult under her breath and left to go to her room.

"We can never have a conversation when you're home" Katya heard her dad say from downstairs.

"Now you're blaming me? You brought up the topic!"

"When it's me and her alone she doesn't get mad!"

"Because you don't pay any damn attention to her you fucking  Мудакç! You leave her on her own!"

"I can't be here all the time! I have to work Аня!"

"Maybe if you paid attention to your children Андрей would still be here and take care of Katya!"

Katya had enough of the screaming when her brother's name was brought in, she stepped out of her room.

"Can you two just shut the fuck up! why don't you get a divorce already!" Katya shouted and her parents stared at her without knowing what to say. "I'm going out for a walk."

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