Chapter Twenty

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-New York, 2021.

It was nearly 5 a.m, cold outside and the party was coming to an end. A few people already had left. Trixie was almost falling due to the alcohol in her system. Violet was getting ready to go, she had an interview at 8 a.m. Bob was gonna take Katya home. Ginger was also getting ready to go. And Adore had to take a flight at 11 a.m for a show she had to attend. Katya was getting her stuff ready to go but she stopped when she saw in what state Trixie was. 

"No yeah, we can't leave her to her own fate like that" Katya said quietly to Bob.

"Do we take her to the hotel?" Bob asked.

"Yeah, we'll take a cab," Katya said and she and Bob went up to Trixie.

"Hey!" Trixie said after noticing them standing in front of her. 

"You need to get to your hotel room Barbie," Katya said, earning a look from Bob.

"The party isn't even over yet!" Trixie said while Bob held her by her side. "You two are boring"

"We are taking care of you," Bob said as Katya joined him to hold up Trixie. Trixie tried getting them off her.

"Could you not move?" Katya said as she struggled walking the girl through the place.

"Let me free!" Trixie shouted, she was getting annoying.

Katya stopped for a second, with her free hand she grabbed Trixie's chin, looking at her eyes. "Stop fucking moving" 

Trixie felt butterflies in her stomach as she bit her lip. "If you ask me like that" Trixie laughed while Katya rolled her eyes.

"Down bad!" Bob said while Trixie stopped being a brat and showed she could actually stand on her own for at least 5 minutes and walk a bit tipsy. Katya walked Trixie out as she waited for Bob to get his stuff ready to go.

"Already taking me home?" Trixie faked a surprised expression

"If you call a hotel home of course," Katya said looking for a nearby cab.

"Hotel? not even your house, the disrespect" Trixie kept on messing around and Katya finally found a cab. Bob came out of the building with, his, Trixie's, and Katya's things they brought. They all got into the cab, Trixie needing a bit of help.

"Where to?" the driver asked. Katya and Bob looked at Trixie.

"Which hotel are you staying at?" Katya whispered to Trixie.

"Uhhh, the mark hotel" Trixie luckily remembered.

"Damn that hotel is expensive" Bob laughed a bit "What's your job?"

"Shut up" Katya was annoyed, she hated taking care of drunk people and most of all when the other sober person didn't help. "To the Mark Hotel please."

"Someone's in a bad mood." Bob looked out the window.

"I just wanna get home and sleep. I'm tired." Katya ended the conversation, the three of them silent during the rest of the ride.

They got down and into the hotel lobby. They told the cab to wait a bit because they'll be back in a few minutes, he agreed. Bob took Trixie by her arm and guided her to the counter of the reception, Katya sat down on the couches. She saw Bob looking for the card of the room in Trixie's bag. He gave it to the receptionist, who took a look at it and moved his head side to side. Then she heard Bob's and Trixie's voices get louder.

"But why? It says room five o one."

"Sorry Sir, but it figures that the room is already in use and that the guest is in there right now." 

"I paid a lot for this fucking hotel!" Trixie raised her voice. The receptionist looked at the security guard from the side of his eye. "You will get me my fucking room" Trixie took the card and threw it on the receptionist's face. Bob saw the security guard come towards them, so she grabbed Trixie and took her out of the hotel. Katya went out of the hotel with them too.

"It was my room! what the fuck?"

"It's okay Trixie, you'll stay at my place," Katya said rubbing her eyes.

"But I wanted-" Trixie was interrupted.

"Trixie, stop playing, I know you sober up quickly," Katya said looking serious at Trixie, who pressed her lips together as a form of apology.

"You two never really changed right?" Bob said serving the girl's interactions.

"Shut up" Katya smiled a bit. "Let's get the cab again."


Katya and Trixie got down from the cab, Trixie was less drunk and less annoying. Able to walk and talk properly. But her mind was still a bit tipsy and missing a few filters to what she said. "The building seems nice," She said looking at it as they were walking up to it. "It is," Katya said and Trixie saw her smile a bit. She remembered the times where she would sneak out of her house to get to Katya's. Spending nights together and singing together. How even in the middle of winter she would wait outside of Katya's window and climb all the way to Katya's room. Shivering because of the snow around her but it was worth it if it meant hanging out with Katya.

"Remember when I used to sneak out to go to your house?" Trixie asked Katya as they were in the elevator, on their way to Katya's flat. Katya smiled once again, Trixie enjoyed the view.

"Yeah, I do. You would wait for me shivering and I would take that rope for you to climb" Katya laughed softly.

"We ran so Rapunzel could walk," Trixie said resting her head on Katya's shoulder until they got out of the elevator, and walked into Katya's apartment. "Nice place, it's pretty" Trixie walked around before leaving her stuff on the couch. "It doesn't seem like you live here tho?"

"What is that even supposed to mean?" Katya took off the jacket she was wearing letting her dress show. Trixie stared at Katya, forgetting to answer. "Trixie?" 

"Oh, oh yeah, like it doesn't give off your vibe"

"Are you around just doing vibe checks?" Katya said going to the kitchen, which was connected to the living room separated by a high table with high chairs too.

"Yeah and this vibe check doesn't give off your vibe!" Trixie sat on the table, across it, facing Katya who started making tea.

"I'm not the same person you knew ten years ago Barbie" Trixie got surprised at the nickname, but again remembered that it didn't mean anything anymore. "I have flourished in a serious adult with no interests. I only think about money, taxes, and work." 

"And I'm straight!" Trixie said and both of them laughed.

"Do you wanna have some tea while we talk?" Katya asked and Trixie nodded. Katya served her a cup of tea and sugar.

"It seems like we have a lot to discuss," Katya said.

"We do." 

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