Chapter eighteen

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Trixie walked into the school hallways. Looking at her feet. She didn't look for Katya anymore. The first days Katya didn't come to school Trixie hoped she would come and talk to her for once. Trixie was mad, frustrated, and a bit disappointed. But most of all she was worried. The last call she got from Katya was unusual. Katya seemed so euphoric, she talked like she was on top of the world. Trixie had called her back the day after. She got no response. Violet seemed to know what was going on but she didn't wanna ask Katya. Trixie was confused, if Violet knew she would ask Katya. Violet is not the type of person to be scared to find out about stuff, and most of all if it's about someone she loves.
Every time Trixie looked at the empty seat beside her she sighed, remembering how Katya used to laugh and shout from the jokes they once upon a time made. She sat down, pulling her books and notebook as always. The teacher started explaining and Trixie kept her vision down, drawing spirals on her notebook.

"Miss Zamolodchikova, late again"

Trixie's head shoots up from her notebook to the blond woman. She was wearing wide jeans and a brown hoodie. Dark circles hanging from her eyes and dry lips begging for any kind of hydration.

"At least I'm here right?" Katya said without looking at the Teacher and sitting in the seat the farthest from Trixie.

Trixie's eyes followed Katya around the room, her tired steps, her lost vision, her fidgety behavior. The anxious voice inside Katya's brain could be heard from miles away. Trixie slowly took out her phone, trying to not be too obvious.


She came to school

She looks like she's having a bad time V. I'm worried.


I'll take a look at her.

Bob will come with me.

Trixie put the phone back into her pocket. Unable to catch up with the class she took another glance at Katya. She was looking out the window, the shine on her beautiful blue eyes could be seen from Trixie's desk. Katya seemed at peace until she got a shiver, it wasn't even cold. She started biting the tip of her fingers. Some of Katya's fingers had band-aids on them, and the exposed ones had skin peeling off them and red irritated skin around them. Katya started biting on the peeled skin frantically. Looking around the room, her eyes bounced from corner to corner. She caught a big chunk and peeled it off.

"tsss" Katya complained with a frown on her face. Her finger was bleeding. "Can I go get a band-aid?" Katya already stood up, showing she wouldn't take no for an answer anyway. Trixie's eyes followed Katya out of the room with a worried look. She had to help her. Now or never. So she wanted a bit to see if Katya came back, she didn't. Trixie raised her hand.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Trixie asked with a high-pitched voice.

"Yes, but make it quick"

Trixie stood up fastly, walking to the bathroom she and Katya always used to meet up at. The one at the end of the hall. The one that was the farthest from the classrooms. She walked at a quick pace and she heard something crush from outside "yeah" She heard from outside. She walked in.

"Katya?" Trixie said into what seemed an empty bathroom. "Katya I know you're here"

"What do you even want?"

"I'm worried"

"Don't be. Your worried self is also annoying." Katya was fidgeting with her hands and fingers as she came out of the stall she was hiding in. "You can't take no for an answer can't you?"


"I do not want you near me, Trixie!"


"Not your fucking business"

"Yes it is"

"You're so irritating! So fucking annoying!"

"Katya it hurts me when you say these things"

"Oh if you knew Barbie" Trixie bit her lip when she heard the nickname. Once was sweet and lovely but now it came out like poison.

"That's the problem you don't let me know!" Trixie grabbed Katya's arm "If you tell me I'll help you!"

"Don't touch me!" Katya slapped Trixie's hand from her arm "You're just making things worse Trixie!"

"What are you even going on about?" Trixie asked in frustration "This is so stupid Katya. Why are you even doing this! You have no reason!"

"Just because you don't know it doesn't mean there isn't" Katya looked at Trixie with hatred, Trixie soul sank "Now I understand your stepdad" Katya took a step forward and Trixie took one back

"W-what? Katya why?"

"You're so fucking annoying! I can't stand you anymore Beatrice!" Katya Shut her eyes while saying the last words.

"Bye Katya. You want me gone? I'll be gone." Trixie said with a stone-cold expression, trying to not tear up. She walked towards the door and closed it. Trixie tried her hardest to get to the class without crying, but she couldn't so she got into another of the bathrooms and took her phone out.


Katya just said awful things

She fucking triggered me on purpose.

I'm in a bathroom


On my way

Which bathroom.


The one closest to your class rn.

Three minutes later Violet came into the bathroom and found her in a stall crying her eyes out. She was sitting on the toilet in a fetal position. Her lips shaking from the crying, as well as her make-up. Violet hugged her, Trixie clung to Violet.

"I'm just confused" Trixie's voice was so hurt "Why is she like this, why is she treating me like this" Trixie wiped her tears with her right arm. "I thought she wasn't like this. She never has been"

"It's gonna be okay Trix. I'll find out what it was and you two will get back together"

"No Violet, I don't wanna be back with her. At not till I'm ready."

"But Trixie I'm sure there's something else going on-"

"Violet I don't wanna be with a person who treats me like this. I'm gonna come back when I'm ready." Trixie was calming down.

"You can do whatever you think is best. Happy you are putting yourself as a priority."

"If no one's gonna do it someone's gotta do it."

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