[33] His Cold Words

Start from the beginning

How could I be so stupid?

Did I seriously let myself fall for my best friend?

Looking up at the reflection in the mirror, she was disappointed.

She was disappointed at the girl staring back at her in the mirror with a broken heart.

She picked herself up and slouched against the wall, hugging her knees up to her chest and resting her head on them with a quiet cry.

Her cry's completely silenced the sound of the door opening and loud heels clicking over to her.

It wasn't until she felt someone sit next to her that she crooked her head a little to see the one person she really didn't want to see.

She turned to rest her head back on her knees, "Go away Lydia." Her voice muffled against them.


Angel turned back a lot quicker this time, surprised at how adamant her words were.

Lydia was sat next to her with her legs facing out and her gaze staring off towards the door.

"Why are you upset?" She asked, still looking at the door.

Angel scoffed at the irony, "the boy I like, likes you."

This made the girl turn to her, an expression angel wasn't quite sure she had seen on her before.

Lydia always had a confident look on her face, a kind of aura that says 'I'm perfect and I know it' but this look showed more.

To angel It was obvious that she hid her true self pretty well, her being smarter than most people but acting like she thought two plus two equaled twenty-two.

She was surprised, shocked even.

"Don't look at me like that, your Lydia Martin." Angel sighed, watching Lydia's brows pull together. "Your the prettiest, smartest and just a genuine eye magnet to anyone with sight. I was the one who thought he could seriously like me over you." Angel excepted the truth.

She threw her head back against the wall with a big sigh, staring up at the dull celling.

What happened next was something angel really wasn't expecting to hear.

Lydia's cries.

The girl shot her head down at her with shock as tears rolled down Lydia's flushed cheeks, "I'm not perfect you just think I am." She admitted, catching angel utterly off guard.

"To be completely honest, I've always been kind of jealous of you." Lydia looked at the girl with a pleading look in her eyes, "you don't care what other people think about you, you walk around like it's nothing. I always wanted to be like you because I care too much. I mean your special angel and you never needed popularity your just- you." Now it was Lydia's turn to plop her head on her knees.

The McCall girl was too stunned to speak, the words not forming no matter how she tried to phrase them.

The Lydia martin was jealous of her?

"I'm sorry about the boy you like, if it helps he's definitely missing out." her Lydianess came out towards the end making angel smile.

The girl got up onto her feet and held her hand out for Lydia, "Cone watch practice with me." she smiled down at her.

Lydia's face lit up as she excepted the hand and quickly rushed towards the mirror, pulling out her concealer and dotting some under her eyes.

She handed it to angel so she could do the same but she instead shook her head, declining the offer.

Lydia shook her head, collecting herself and letting her curls fall to her back while taking a deep breath in.

She hooked angels arm, "I'm so glad your not annoying." Angel laughed as They walked out of the bathrooms and out to the lacrosse field just in time for Scott to ram into Danny.

The two girls ran up towards the scene to make sure Danny wasn't hurt, "is he okay?" angel asked the paramedic only to get an answer from Jackson.

"Yeah, It looks like he just has a bloody..." He trailed off, staring at her and examining something on her face.

The Brunette raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"

He smirked, pointing to her upper cheek, "Your Mascara." angel quickly turned to Lydia who handed her a compact mirror from her bag.

She glanced at the reflection to see her mascara was smudged down her face, clearly from the crying and her eyes were slightly bloodshot.

She didn't realize that Lydia had given her the concealer to cover that up.

"Ugh, I hate hay fever, it always ends up ruining my makeup." she fake groaned at him, trying to make it seem like it wasn't from crying and it was instead allergies.

Jackson watched her wipe the smear with the pad of her thumb. "Yeah." Lydia nodded backing up angels excuse.

Little did the three of them know, stiles had been watching the whole thing from afar.

And he knew that Angelina McCall never got sick, and never had allergies.

Putting the pieces together he knew she was lying and that Scott would have had to have made her cry.

The only other person he could think of was Lydia but it couldn't be her because they had walked out together with linked arms.

Meaning it was Scott.

And that made him angry.

AU- This was supposed to be Posted yesterday butI kept adding more and fellAsleep😭There will probably be another Chapter up today but I can't promise anything!

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This was supposed to be
Posted yesterday but
I kept adding more and fell
There will probably be another
Chapter up today but
I can't promise anything!

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