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"That isn't going to be a problem."

Is she threatening me, or..? That was actually kind of attractive- Oh, jeez. She's literally one of the people who kidnapped me. I should be scared, not turned on.

She can probably see that I'm blushing, as she flashes a devilish smirk. "Good. I'll go tell the girls you're up, and we'll continue from there." She stands up, and slowly leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.


I can hear voices and footsteps getting closer to the door. Eventually, the door opens, first revealing Lisa, then Rosé. Rosé is holding scissors, and Lisa is holding a rope.

As they come closer to me, Jisoo appears behind them in the doorway, holding a.. a taser. Shit. Guess I'm not getting out anytime soon.

Rosé waves at me with a wide smile, and then gently holding my hands, she cuts the duct tape keeping them together. Before she lets go, Jisoo approaches me, with the taser aimed at me. "Don't do something stupid." Jisoo says sternly, emphasizing the taser, which is pointing directly at my face.

After Rosé freed my hands, she freed my feet aswell. Then, Lisa came beside Rosé, still holding the rope. "Stand up." she orders. I immediately listen and stand up, I'd rather not get tazed right now.

As soon as I straighten my legs, I get major cramps all over my body. What the hell did they do to me while I was out to make me this sore??

Lisa takes the rope and ties it around my wrist, and then again around my other wrist. Now, I have about a foot of rope in between my hands to move. Lisa then holds the long end of the rope and starts pulling me along beside her, the 3 others following after.

She's literally dragging me by the arms with a thick rope, I feel like an pet animal tied to a leash..

Lisa's POV

After I tied Y/N's hands with the rope, I led her into the kitchen.

"You hungry?" I ask. She slowly nods. "Then, clean the entire kitchen. Once you're done, we'll feed you." I say while I tied the end of the rope to a small hook attached to the wall.

I left the cleaning supplies on the counter for her, and the rope has got enough length for her to move around the whole kitchen. I was careful to remove any utensils or things that could be used as weapons.

I don't know why, but for some reason it feels really.. good, to be in power over Y/N. All our other maids were, meh. But this one, I like her.. Why is she different from our previous maids, and makes her so special to me, I'm not really sure. But what I do know is, I'm not letting her go.

I sort of zoned out, and completely ignored everything around me. I just got lost in the perfect image of her. She's so pretty..

"Lisa, stop staring at Y/N, you're gonna distract her!" Rosé scolded me. Shit! I quickly snap out of it and rush out of the room before Y/N had a chance to see me practically drooling over her. I think there's something wrong with me!

time skip

"I-I'm done.." I hear a weak voice say from the kitchen. Before I had the chance to go see Y/N, Jisoo walked infront of me, and assured me that she'd see her instead.

Of course, I wasn't going to argue with her, but I was a little disappointed that I couldn't be alone with Y/N again.

Jisoo's POV

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