You got to blow off some steam

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Sitting there, staring at those peridot green eyes, Kyle taps on the counter bringing himself back to the focus and reminds himself who the firefighter was, the one who said "you could have killed yourself" rolls his big caramel brown eyes and lets out a small laugh "You can say that again" Lieutenant Rossi rolls his lips and tilts his head as he smiles "What? No comments about how much you dislike me today, or how far up my ass I happen to have my head or do you just make those when people aren't listening?"

Kyle's eyes go wide and he burst out laughing "HAHAHA, she told you? Of course, she did, why wouldn't she, right?" He catches some air "And no, no comments, I had a long, boring, exhausting day today filled with stupid people and I just, I don't think I have it in me to bicker with you" Ryan smiles at him and taps on the counter "Aich, it most off been one hell of a day if Mr. Fancy Nurse is out of bickering energy"

The bartender finishes with Kyle's order "thank you" he says to the bartender before turning to the Lieutenant. Ryan stares at him, Kyle narrows his eyes "what? You're going to tell me you've had an easy day? Or was it as shitty as mine?" Kyle grabs his scotch "I mean, judging by those puppy-looking eyes and the smell of chimney I imagine it wasn't the best of shifts?"

Lieutenant Rossi gulps down whats left of his beer and turns to look straight at Kyle "Well, today was a rough day, and, I was recently promoted to my new position that some other colleague/friend also wanted and now the entire station is giving me the cold treatment"
Kyle brings his hands up sarcastically "Ahh yes, the usual if I was given the position you can't be mad but because you got it I will" he stands from the bar stool "Americans are so sensible and winy sometimes, I mean, can't whomever this person stops to think that maybe just maybe you were better, no because why would they" Ryan claps "PREAAAACH" he then looks at Kyle confused "wait, aren't you American?"

Kyle stops himself from picking up the tray filled with drinks and looks at the Italian Firefighter covered in smut "HAHAHAHA queeee? No, no, no, no, you did not just say that, what about me made you believe that?" Ryan takes a quick pause to analyze Kyle's body language, once he is convinced he is in a rather relaxed state he finishes his statement "Well, I don't know, your arrogance and that hole I'm better than you attitude, no offense"

Kyle bites his lower lip and smiles at the Lieutenant "Non taken" he brings his hands to his hips "but let me get this straight, Latinos can't be arrogant?" Kyle points him in his chest "And who are you calling arrogant you got angry because I did your job for you" Ryan rolls his head and starts laughing "You do not even want to get into that with me right now, you could've died because of your ARROGANCE and taken everyone with you including my team, I mean I get you were doing what you thought best, but that's exactly what usually gets people killed" 

From the booth, Samantha shouts "Hey Kyle hurry up with those drinks would ya" He looks back at Ryan "Go, you don't want to keep them waiting because of me" He stares at Ryan and smiles politely "You're right, but you should come with, my friends are cool Americans" Ryan looks at him "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose or anything." Kyle claps him on his shoulder "Get you European ass off that barstool and come with, otherwise you're going to keep looking pathetic, all alone and driving people towards the exit with that smell"

Ryan stands and raises one eyebrow as he looks at Kyle "You don't seem to have a problem with my smell, but the wait is it that bad?" He smells his shirt "And how do you know I'm European?"

They both head back to the booth with the rest of the ego nurses as they continue talking "To answer your questions, yes it's that bad, and I don't know, you have that vibe, and you look good, even though you're cover in smut, plus the last name kind of gives it away" They arrive at the booth, Ryan looks down at his hands "Wait, did you just compliment me?"
Kyle turns to look at him with a dirty look "Hell, no, the truth is not a compliment"

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