Lesson number 2

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Harry had me tell everyone that the second meeting was today. And like the good "sister'' I am I did.

The same time as last, me and Harry went at 4:30 and people started coming in groups at 5:00.

"Are you going to make me teach again?"

Harry grinned, "Yep." I rolled my eyes, "I was wondering if we could do the stunning charm."

"As long as I get to demonstrate on you. I mean it is the least you could do since I'm basically taking over your job for you."

"Fine, but you have to not kill me."

"I'll try."

Once everyone got there, Harrold and I walked to the front of everyone. "Today we're going to be practicing the stunning charm."

"But we alr-"

"Shut up. Anyway I doubt the first years know how to do it so, Harry."

He walked to the other side of the room. "Stupify." I shouted waving my wand. Harry flew back a bit landing on the floor.

"Ow." He groaned and got back up.

"Harry's going to be the first years test dummy today because I don't want you going up against each other."

"What? This was not part of the agreement."

"Well it is now." All of the first years gathered around me so I could show them how to move their wands.

The first girl went, but didn't do much. Harry just stumbled back. Everyone else was pretty much the same. I'll work with them later.

"Everyone find a partner. We're going to have you practice on one another." I said.

"Ron, Hermione, you first." Harry said.

Everyone stood to the sides as Ron and Hermione walked to the middle.

Fred and George made a bet on who would win as usual.

Ron went to raise his wand, but Hermione was already sending him flying. He hit the ground with a thud and George handed Fred a coin.

Time skip brought to you by the eight times that I have watched encanto

I was sitting on my bed when Fred came in. "Hello there Sunshine''

"Hello Fred. What do you want?"

"I just wanted to see my girlfriend, is that such a crime?"

"Yes actually because according to rule 26 boys and girls aren't allowed to be within six inches of each other."

Fred rolled his eyes, "Just because no man will ever want to be within 80 kilometers of her doesn't mean she should spoil it for the non toads." He said plopping down on my bed.

"No I'm pretty sure her and Filch have been a lot closer than six inches."

"Ew. I don't even want to picture that."

"I wish Dumbledaddy would just kick her out already."

"I don't think he can to that anymore."

"Why would that whore even hire her."

"I don't think he had a choice."

"I'm sure he did. I'm so mad that this is our last year and we're stuck with that bitch."

"Would you calm down with the cussing."

"No. There isn't a word out there that could describe my hatred for her so might as well call her a whore."

"I love you."

"I know."

Fred's POV

"Can I see the hand she cut."


"I just want to see it." She extended the hand Umbridge cut. It looked like it was healing quite well.

"Are you ok Freddie. You look upset."

"I'm fine I just wanted to tell you something."

"What is that?"

"Well me and George were talking and we think we're going to leave before the end of the year."

"What? You're going to leave me here with that toad?"

"That was my next question. I wanted to know if you wanted to come with us."

"Freddie I can't. I want to graduate... but if you and George want to leave don't let me stop you."

"So you'll be ok with it?" She sighed.

"Yes, I'm just really worried that I'll never get to see you."

"You can see me every day this summer and after that you'll be done with school. We can see each other every single day."

"I suppose, but what if the death eaters find out?"

"They won't, we'll be secretive. And me and George are going to wait until towards the end of the year."

"Ok." I could tell she was upset.

"We might not even leave unless she gets really bad." She smiled.

"What about your mum?"

"Oh I have no idea."

Y/n's POV

I really didn't want him to leave, but I didn't want to get in the way of his dreams either. I didn't want to stop him from doing what he does. So many people already did that, he doesn't need another person on top of it.

"I love you Sunshine."

"I love you too."

Question: Favorite line from a book?

Mine: God won't have to destroy the world with fire. We'll beat Him to it. -Hear the Wind Blow, Mary Downing Haun

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