last day

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I walked down the stairs from my dorm. Trunk in hand. Fred was standing in the common room when I got down there.

" about time everyone else is already outside." He said. Pulling my arm towards the door.

"Sorry." I said rolling my eyes.

Fred dragged me outside and we walked over to George and Lee. Fred grabbed my hand making me go crazy with butterflies and we got on the train. ( I know there are carriages first but idgaf)

We walked into a compartment and Fred sat down next to me as Lee and George sat next to each other. God they would be a cute couple.

"I'm sad we're leaving in two years." I said.

"Well you wont be really. Dont you want to be a professor?" Fred asked

"Well yes, but it wont be the same." I said laying my head on his shoulder, "I mean I won't be able to have as much fun. And you all won't be there."

"Just promise us one thing."


"Don't be a teacher that makes there students want to line up in a single file line and jump of the astronomy tower."

"How dare you think I could be capable of being that stuck up." We all talked with each other before I eventually fell asleep.

Fred's pov

Godric she was cute. Lying there. She was so beautiful. "So when are you going to ask her?" George asked.

"I dont know." I started. "I dont think she likes me." I said tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Are you an idiot of course she does. Godric you two are blind" lee said

" Honestly I think she has a thing for pretty boy Diggory." In all actuality I knew he was in love with her, not to positive if it was double sided.

George rolled his eyes and leaned back. "I hope you realize how much of an absolute idiot you're being. I hate you sometimes." He fell asleep in like two seconds. Soon after Lee fell asleep. Resting his head on George's shoulder.

I dont know why there still in the closet but not my problem.

After Lee fell asleep y/n started to wake up. "Well good morning sunshine."

"What time is it?"

"No clue." She sat up and we locked eyes. Merlin she was gorgeous.

"You're supposed to know these things Freddie." She started. "Awww look at them." She said pointing to George and Lee.

Y/n's  pov

Me and Fred talked together until the train stopped at the platform.

Fred woke George and Lee up and we went outside. Immediately Molly came running towards us and she wrapped her arms around me. "I'm so happy you're staying with us this summer."

"I am to Molly." I've claimed Molly as my second mother. I've claimed a lot of people as my parental figures, but she's right up there with Minnie.

Hey everyone I know I haven't been updating very often. But I'm done with my plays they went wonderfully. I probably will be updating again today because I feel really motivated.

Question: Place you most want to visit.

Mine: London

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