Chapter 3

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Thank you to all who are reading my stories!
I am very grateful.
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Hiccup pov:

I was still arguing with my dad when I saw that (Y/N) was gone,and so was Toothless!

I went flying off with Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins. I was riding with Astrid.

"I can't believe she stole your dragon!" Astrid exclaimed.

"She wasn't able to fly." said Fishlegs.

"I still don't believe in this dragon girl crap." said Snotlout.

"I didn't either, I thaught it was just a dragon myth." I said.

"We have to find her and get Toothless back!" shouted Ruff.

"Since when did you care about what I wanted?" I asked confused.

"Since dragon girl started to Ride Toothless away." he responded.

"Didn't you hear us before? We said we wanted to keep her!" said Tuff.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. (Y/N) tried to kill them and they wmat to keep her as a pet? Oh my Thor.

(Y/N) pov:

I was flying with Toothless across the ocean when I saw an island with several odd looking vikings. The island looked gloomy. When I got a better look at the place the vikings looked lifeless. The island looking nothing like Berk. But eh, not all islands look the same.

I flew to an empty side of the island with no houses or vikings

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I flew to an empty side of the island with no houses or vikings. I landed there and looked at Toothless who looked scared.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him.

He moaned, as if saying yes. I felt a chill up my spine as I looked around. It was nighttime, I realized. I started to feel uneasy, then I heard footsteps approach. Then I heard a voice not to far away.

" I saw something land on the island! Follow me!" said the man's voice.

Toothless motioned for me to get on his back with his tail. I did get on him and I flew up. I heard an arrow shoot but swiftly ducked it.
Then I heard a familiar voice

"She's this way!" I heard Hiccup call.

Hearing his voice relieved me but I got distracted and didn't notice the arrow shooting towards me. And by the time I did, l was already plummeting to the ground with an arrow in my arm, turning into my dragon form last second. The last thing I heard was Toohtlesses roar and the man laughing.

Hiccups pov:

Fear struck me when I saw both (Y/N) and Toothless fall to the ground. Alvin and the outcasts didn't notice us and went after

"Astrid, everyone, go down. Now!" I said.

We landed next to Toothless. I quickly checked if he was hurt,he wasn't. Then I remberd her, Alvin probably got her. But we didn't have enough gear to go and save her.

"What do we do?" Asked Astrid with concern in her voice.

"We can't go in there now." I said.

"But if we wait they till day they might have already killed her." said Fishlegs pointing out another problem.

"I say we go in in there and sucker puch them in their guts!" shouted Snotlout waving his fist in the air.

"Don't be stupid, they'll end us." said Ruff.

"I'm with Ruffnut on this one. We can't take on those guys without weapons." siad Tuff agreeing with his sister.

I thaught for a bit and decided.

"Were going back to Dragons Edge and coming back tomorrow." I said as I flew up with Toothless.

With that we flew back to Dragons Edge to regroup.

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