Chapter 17

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I stood in front of my bathroom mirror early in the morning, unable to get more than a few hours of rest last night. Leaning over the basin, I pulled back a section of hair, looking for any silver I was certain to already have thanks to my gruelling task. Sitting back on my heels, I summoned my ledger, opening it to find that the total amount of energy produced by Aurelius had increased.

Good, good. He must be practicing hard in his room. I thought of his room being filled with those wonderful shimmery energy particles, my mood lifting.

Crafting my illusion again, I checked myself and headed out.


Yesterday, I did not have time to really narrate the structure of the basement. At breakfast, I did just that, Aurelius sipping his coffee with hooded eyelids as he listened, thankfully not mentioning anything about yesterday.

"Yeah, it won't work."

"It sounds much too big," Axtca agreed.

"If we had a Professor's card, we can enter the forbidden section of the library, and then we can find out where the shard is," Aurelius said as calmly as one discussing the weather.

"And how do you plan on getting one?" Axtca asked, her gaze flicking to me as Aurelius looked at me meaningfully with burning eyes.

"Why, by using his- forging magic, of course. Getting an Assistant Professor's pass and then creating a Professor's one out of it."

Axtca's eyes widened. "Eden, you can do that?"

I smiled wryly. "That's within my ability."

"Good, good. It's decided, then."


With our new goal in mind, both of us chose a time to strike- during a Herbalogy and Potions class where the Assistant Professor needed to be in close contact with everyone to ensure that no one gets harmed.

It took place in the greenhouse, which boasted a stunning collection of plants both rare and common, the airplants suspended from the roof waving their fronds and rubbing leaves together to produce whispering sounds, as though communicating with one another. Identifying it just as Axtca drew close, she followed my line of sight to those purple seaweed-like plants.

"That's Folio, a relatively harmless plant that can develop sentience over time. I have a few at home, hopefully my sister is taking care of them."

"Relatively harmless?" Aurelius asked, neatly side-stepping two students to join us.

Axtca nodded. "They're territorial, and will attack indiscriminately if not properly trained."

"Plants can be trained?"

We continued walking forward with Class 3-A, Axtca explaining as we emerged into a clear area with a few benches and one man standing with his back facing us.

" how I am a beast tamer, there are plant tamers."

"Good afternoon, class," the man said in a pleasant tone, smiling slightly as he turned around. "I trust that everyone has done their homework?"

A mixture of nods, murmurs of assent and low grumbles rose into the air. The man, dressed primly in a dress shirt, vest and long pants raised an eyebrow at this.

"In that case, I'll be collecting it now."

He started making his rounds, the students pulling their assignments out of bags, clipboards, and even storage bags. When he reached us, he tidied the papers in his hands, smile growing.

The Overseer & The Class S &quot;Hero&quot;Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora