Chapter 12

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The wagon came to a stop, the canvas flaps opening as I slid the book I had been reading out of sight. Axtca's eyes snapped from Aurelius to me, and she beckoned for me to come closer. Doing so, she half-turned to point towards a signboard up ahead.

"A hot springs inn," I said, surprised. "Out here?"

"Apparently it's up this mountain."

I eyed the meandering road, the path well-trodden and clear of rocks and branches.

"Let's go up. We have nothing to lose." I thought for a bit, then smirked. "We have plenty of money anyway."

"It'll be a nice place to relax," she agreed, letting the flaps fall.

Steering the horse left, we started up the mountain.


The climb was quite scenic, the fir trees extending as far as the eye could see, climbing up the sides of the mountains both near and far. Thin mist blanketed everything, and the temperature dropped as we ascended. I inhaled deeply, the clean and fragrant air clearing my mind.

Rubbing my sleeve, I eyed the subpar fabric with mild disgust. There was going to be much shopping to do at the city.


By late afternoon, we reached a natural nook in the side of the mountain, the horse's white breath billowing out in puffs as it stopped, Axtca dismounting to stroke its neck and back reassuringly. Just a few metres away was the inn- more like a sprawling estate by size, humble in appearance but charming in design.

In Sallenfalen there are three significant countries that stand out among the rest- Anubis, Axtam and Yuen. The open courtyard based design, short buildings with dull turquoise roofs and oddly shaped non-native trees decorating the place spoke of the Yuen style, the wide-open wooden gates at the front inviting us in.

I knocked the side of Aurelius's boot with the toe of mine, the young man rousing and looking outside eagerly.

"An inn?"

"That's right."

Aurelius and I shouldered our packs, I kept the wagon and we passed under the archway and through the gates into the courtyard proper.

Now that I had a good look of the interior, calling it a stone garden would be more accurate. A meandering path wove through the large space, marked out by smooth pebbles amid tinier, grey gravel. Traversing up the white stone path to the doorway, Axtca stabled the horse and brought hay from a nearby stack for it.

The horse taken care of, all three of us went in, a middle-aged woman with a severe bun and plain robes greeting us as soon as we stepped in. Her black hair, streaked with grey was speared through by a jade hairpin, and her clothes though simple in appearance, were made from superior material, the patterns on them shining in the warm light of lanterns.

"Welcome, dear travellers, to my humble inn. May I know the duration of your stay and how many rooms you require?"

Her professional, well-rehearsed tone was nothing worthy of note, but those uncannily bright eyes set in the narrow, cruel face as they sized us up discreetly gave one an underlying sense of discomfort.

The edge of Aurelius's mouth tilted up, and though he was respectful, the angle of his head and dominant posture spoke volumes about who was in charge.

"One night, two rooms, your very best."

The woman looked stunned, but quickly recovered.

"My apologies, young master, but the best rooms have already been taken."

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