Chapter 24

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I was leaning against the banister on the second floor, slowly chewing a white glutinous rice cake with a bean filling when Aurelius and a hooded person approached. Ellis threw back her hood as I finished off the soft cake, her unbuttoned cloak exposing her more modest outfit of duller, pastel colours.

I checked my hand for any residual cake, taking her proffered hand with an amicable smile.

"Ellis, at your service."


Releasing my hand, the corners of her lips quirked up.

"That isn't your real name, is it?" she said, question coming out as a statement.

"It's Eden," I confirmed.

"Ellis will be coming with us," Aurelius said from behind her.

Of course. "I suppose you know everything?"

"That's right."

I nodded.

"Before we leave, I have to take care of something." Ellis tugged her hood back over her face, starting at a fast trot towards the staircase.


We strode into a room, lavishly decorated with expensive tapestries, fine vases and all sorts of sculptures encrusted with jewels and embossed with gold. The heavyset man sitting at his desk looked up in surprise as we entered, Ellis flinging her hood back with a bright smile.

Waving her hand, all sorts of treasures dropped onto the desk, ranging from bolts of fine silk to jewellery and high-end cosmetics.

"E-Ellis, what's the meaning of this?" The man exclaimed as the young woman held out a hand expectantly.

"I'm buying my freedom today. Where are my papers?" She demanded.

The startled man quickly recovered his wits.

"Ellis, what are you saying?" he smiled weakly.

"This is enough, isn't it?"

His eyes swept across the items. "Yes, can you do this, Ellis, you promised that you would be with me forever!"

Ellis planted her hands on her hips, tilting her head slightly.

"That promise? It's like the one you made with your wife to only stay faithful to her."

The man paled slightly. "Is it because you are not satisfied with something? Anything you want, I'll buy it for you!"

"My papers."

Seeing the cold look in her eyes, the man looked helpless for a moment, then his expression quickly morphed into indignant rage.

"Y-You! I treated you so well, let you keep all the gifts you receive...yet you want to leave?! As one of my most profitable courtesans, don't dream of leaving!"

A sharp gust of wind flew, scoring a deep cut on the man's neck. The pain slowly registering, his hand flew up to it, coming away red and wet.

"If you want to keep working your mouth, I won't hesitate to tell the Madam," Ellis enunciated each syllable carefully, coming closer to him. "My papers, now."

The man swallowed, sliding open a drawer and tossing a scroll towards Ellis like handling a hot potato. She unfurled it, smiled with satisfaction and dipped into a slight, mocking curtsy.

"I wish you well," she said, sweeping out the room with pomp and grace.


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