part six

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Nini doesn't know what possesses her to talk about this but once she opened her mouth, she knew there was no going back now. "Before Lily ran away, or disappeared, or whatever, we talked. Well, more like we fought. And that's why I've been so on edge, I guess."


"What do you mean you guys fought? I didn't know you two were close."

Gina's the first to speak up after Nini. The other girls agreeing with what she said. They have never even seen Nini and Lily interact anywhere, not even on social media.

"We weren't close, we weren't even friends. We were fighting over... something." Nini knows it's vague, but she knows they wouldn't focus on that. At least, not right now. "And she did some things and I said some things."

Now the girls were confused. "Okay, can you elaborate, hun?" Ashlyn asks. Nini sighs before delving into the story.

"So, we were fighting about something, right?" They nod. "Let's say we were fighting about a guy, and the guy is my boyfriend, hypothetically, okay? And she wanted him, so she tries to flirt with him and make moves on him, which doesn't work.

"She then sees me as the problem and tries to kill me. Literally. She tried to run me over with her car. So, naturally, I was scared and mad. But then I became more mad than I was scared. One night," Nini continues on with a short run down of her and Lily's altercation. She told them of the words she let go of that night and how if any of her friends remembered that and went to the police, she would most likely become the prime suspect for Lily's murder.

The girls were quiet. They knew Nini could say some really bad things in the heat of the moment, and I mean, the girl did try to run her over with a car, so the anger is justified. They just don't know how the police are gonna react when they get wind of this.

"And all her friends that were there, heard me say it. And now all of them are missing. I mean they could either be dead or talking to the police about me!" Nini was frantic.

The guilt of maybe having to do something with Lily and now Kiera's death was getting to be too much for her.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, Nini. You are not going to jail, I know that's what you're thinking about right now. You said some mean things in the heat of the moment but that's it. She tried to run you over with a car and you were scared and in shock, that's normal." Kourtney tries to comfort her.

"And if someone tried to run me over with a car?" She tells them. "I would have tried to run them over with a car, too, and I'm not even kidding y'all." She chuckles, because it was true. She would have tried to do it for real.

The others laugh at her, secretly sharing the same sentiments. It gets quiet again when Gina speaks up. "But Neens, you don't have to feel guilty. It wasn't your fault she went missing and wound up dead months later. I mean, you didn't do anything, right?" She looks at Nini, wanting her confirmation, as if she was waiting to hear something from her.

"No, I didn't do anything. I've just been so guilty about what I said." She sighs, feeling the guilt seep back in.

"See? You probably weren't even part of the reason of why she ran away in the first place. Why don't you just sleep it off? It's been a long night for all of us anyway." Gina suggests.

As Nini settles into Ashlyn's bed into her side, Kourtney, Gina, and Ashlyn share a look that she doesn't catch. Nini starts to drift off into dreamland and the others soon follow.


what's that look for, girls? 👀

hihi, anyways i might be updating here for the next few days and just updating on twitter whenever the drama dies down bc i do not want to be apart of that. i have my opinions and if u wanna hear them, u could msg me here or dm me on twitter at @oliviangbabie

or if u wanna talk abt something and dont have anybody else to go to, my dms r always open as well u guys <333

ANYWAYS, stay safe and have a great day, i might post the next part in a little way ily all

love, lexa <33

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