part two

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Nini's POV

The weekend came and went too fast for Nini, having spent Saturday with her boyfriend and Sunday with their friends. Come Monday morning, as Nini was eating breakfast, her mother was listening to the news on the TV when that news finally came in.

"On Saturday, October 23, a dead body was found at a clearing in the woods near the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. It has been reported that the said body had already been dead for months but by investigation, the body had only been placed there for at least a month."

Nini didn't pay it any mind at first, that was until Mama C raised a question. "Nini, anak, what's the name of the park you and your friends always go to?"

"Davis Park?" She had shoved a mouthful of pancakes right before her mother spoke causing her voice to be muffled.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full and no, the other one."

"Oh, Rotary Glen Park." Nini drank some water after she had swallowed the food before answering her mother. "What about it?"

"That's near the trail they just mentioned, right?" At that, Nini stopped. Yes, she wanted to tell her mama, the realization just hitting her. It was finally sinking in.

A body was found... near the Bonneville Shoreline Trail...

The park you and your friends always go to... near the trail...

"Anak?" Her mother calling her snapped her out of her thoughts. "You okay?"

"Yeah, no. I'm fine. And I'm not sure if the trail is near that park, I mean, there's a lot of trails there so.."

Her mother shrugged and nodded before adding, "Just, maybe avoid that part of town for a while?"

To ease the worry her mother was probably feeling, she nodded yes. "Of course, mom. I have to go now though or else I'm gonna be late." She stood up and put her cereal bowl in the sink. She came around the breakfast island and kissed her mother on the cheek.

"Bye Mama C. Bye Mama D!" She called out to her other mother who was still upstairs. As she went out through the front door, she heard her moms say I love you before she closed the door.

She went next door to Ricky's house like always and saw him waiting on his porch, like always. They might bicker and fight like children but they are still best friends, to everyone else at least.

"Ready to go, lovie?" Ricky stood up and went over to her, placing a few quick kisses on her cheek before kissing her lips.

Nini reciprocated the kiss before pulling away. "Yeah, mahal, let's go."

They hopped on to Ricky's motorcycle, something Ricky bought with his own money and Nini's loved him more ever since. I mean, come on. Who doesn't want to ride on a motorcycle everyday?

They rode to school and saw their friends waiting for them near the entrance.

"I still don't know how you two ride that thing, it's a freaking death trap." Carlos commented as they approached them.

"It's freedom, baby." Nini cheekily said, earning a laugh from her friends. They walked into the school and Kourtney and Nini get into a conversation about their student council priorities when Nini remembered what was broadcasted on the news earlier.

"Oh hey, did you see the news this morning?" She said, loud enough for their other friends to hear.

"No. Why, what happened?" Big Red, one of the surprisingly gossip-y persons in their group, asked.

"Apparently they found a body in a clearing near the trail close to Rotary Glen Park." Some looked shocked and others were hard to decipher.

"Okay, and?" Nini looked at EJ with her eyebrow raised.

"It was a dead body that allegedly had already been dead for months and was just placed, or buried there I guess, about a month ago." Nini tried to act like she was simply saying what she heard on the news when really, she wanted to know if she wasn't the only one feeling anxious and scared.

She scanned their faces, looking for a trace of fear. They all had a hint of fear but it quickly went away.

"That's scary weird." Was all that was said and then the topic changed.

But that body stayed in Nini's mind for the rest of the day and her friends noticed something was up with her during lunch.

"Nini, are you okay?" Seb asked her but she wss too far in her head to notice.

Kourtney turned to look at her and nudged her. "Neens, hey, you okay?" This brought her out of her haze.

"What?" She lifted her head up and saw all her friends looking at her.

"What's going on, what are you thinking about?" Kourtney pushes.

"Its just.. the news this morning. It's stuck in my head and I can't stop thinking about it."

"Oh, you mean about the dead body?" Red asked and Nini nodded yes. "What about it?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's because we were at the park last Friday and they found the body on Saturday. They said the body had been there for about a month now which means we were always so close to it.

"And before I got here, I saw another news article where they said the body was identified as a teenager. A fucking teenager. We're teenagers!" She ranted to them.

They were all quiet for a while before Ricky spoke up. "You know," He started, causing them to look at him. "You should really stop watching those murder mystery shows of yours." This earned him a slap and punch from Red and Kourtney respectively. "Ow! What? It's true."

"Ignore him. We get it, you have a right to be anxious but this could all just be a big misunderstanding." Gina tries to comfort her.

"A misunderstanding? What somebody from the hospital's morgue misplaced the body in the woods?" Nini said in a deadpan manner.

Gina and Kourtney shared a look before the latter said, "Yeah, I got nothing y'all. This is like, a first for this town." They all agreed.

"And Mama C asked me not to go the park for a while, just until this whole thing goes away."

"That's probably best. At least we have the cafe." Everyone agrees with Carlos, the topic now being put to rest again as the topic changes to what they're going for at the upcoming annual halloween party at the Caswell's to take Nini's mind off that dead body.

They do have the cafe. But not for long.


its really starting!!! eeek, a body just showed up but whose could it be? 👀

oh, i almost forgot to put some english translations for some tagalog words/names

mahal - love

anak - daughter/son/child

anw, ily all and i hope u all have a great day <333

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